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COVID Impacts on IDI Industry Based on 2022 Survey Results


Jay Barriss, FSA, MAAA
General Reinsurance

Laurie Fede, FSA, MAAA
Mass Mutual

Tasha Kahn, Actuary, FSA, MAAA


In 2022, the Society of Actuaries’ Individual Disability Experience Committee/IDEC reached out to individual disability companies to report their experiences regarding the impact of COVID on their business. The goal of the survey was to gain high- level insight on how COVID has impacted the IDI business. The survey was not intended to be a full experience study, but rather a brief directional view of key business metrics. With a full data call expected for the IDI industry in 2023, more detailed results of COVID may become available.


COVID Impacts on Individual Disability Insurance Industry Based on 2022 Survey Results


The authors’ deepest gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: the Individual Disability Experience Committee and others for their diligent work in reviewing and editing this report for accuracy and relevance. Individual Disability Experience Committee:

Jay A. Barriss*, (Chair), FSA, MAAA
Laurie J. Fede*, (Co-Vice Chair), FSA, MAAA
Tasha S. Khan, (Co-Vice Chair), FSA, MAAA
Viresh G. Bawa, FSA, CERA
Robert W. Beal, FSA, MAAA
Jordan E. Cadorette, FSA
Thomas R. Corcoran, FSA, MAAA, CERA
Margaret Cormier*, FSA, MAAA
Anju Gupta-Lavey, FSA, MAAA
Derrick F. Haddad*, FSA, MAAA, CERA
Charles P. Herman, FSA, MAAA
Mitchell Huppenbauer*, FSA, MAAA
Chris Keffalos, ASA, MAAA
Tracy K. Koch*, FSA, MAAA
Christopher J. Kozol*, ASA
Maureen A. Shaughnessy, FSA, MAAA
Daniel D. Sim*, FSA, MAAA
Aaron M. Stoeger, FSA, MAAA
Paul G. Ziobrowski, FSA, MAAA
*Employee of contributing company

At the Society of Actuaries Research Institute:
Korrel Crawford, Senior Research Administrator
Cindy MacDonald, FSA, MAAA, Senior Director, Experience Studies

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