Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for October 2024 Exam FM.

Critical Review of Stochastic Simulation Literature and Applications for Health Actuaries

Research Projects – Health

The Society of Actuaries' Health Section is pleased to make available the following report examining stochastic simulation research found in peer reviewed health journals. In addition to summarizing the stochastic simulation literature, the authors, Louise Anderson and Brian Martinson of HealthPartners Research Foundation and Katherine Hall and Ian Duncan of Solucia, suggest ways health actuaries can apply the modeling techniques and/or findings in their daily work.


Critical Review of Stochastic Simulation Literature and Applications for Health Actuaries

Critical Review of Stochastic Simulation Literature and Applications for Health Actuaries Appendix

Thank You

The Health Section Council would like to thank the following individuals that served on the Project Oversight Group:

  • John Cookson, Chairperson
  • Doug Fearrington
  • Jeanne Nallon
  • Bernie Rabinowitz
  • Margie Rosenberg
  • Steve Siegel
  • Ronora Stryker

Questions Or Comments?

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to