Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Experience Data Quality - How to Clean and Validate Your Data.

Research Projects – Life Insurance

The Committee on Life Insurance Research as well as LIMRA are pleased to make the following report available. Authored by Cathy Ho and Danielle Brancard of LIMRA, this report provides an overview of the data cleansing and validation role specific to the life insurance experience study process.


Data Quality Tools Report

Thank You

The sponsors would like to thank the following individuals who served on the Project Oversight Group:

  • Bud Ruth (Chair)
  • Sharon Brody
  • JJ Lane Carroll
  • Susan Deakins
  • John Have
  • Kevin Pledge
  • Elaine Tumicki, LIMRA
  • Peter Weber
  • Ronora Stryker, SOA
  • Jan Schuh, SOA

Questions Or Comments?

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to