Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Running Out of Money

Running Out of Money in Retirement


The Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks is pleased to make available a research study that seeks to understand what has been done to determine the risks of running out of money in retirement. To fully understand the issues and opportunities, a round table of diverse experts was held in March 2012. This report summarizes the ideas that emerged from that round table, which was co-sponsored with the Urban Institute and the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER).

To access the report, click here.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the report, please contact Steve Siegel, Research Actuary at

The SOA’s Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks would like to thank the round table planning committee:

Anna Rappaport
Barbara Butrica
Steve Cooperstein
Cindy Hounsell
Cindy Levering
Jane Lump
Tonya Manning
Ken Porter
Sara Rix
Jack VanDerhei
Wendy Weiss
Andrew Peterson, SOA Staff Fellow
Steven Siegel, SOA Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, SOA Research Administrator


The Committee would like to extend a special thank you to those who contributed to writing the report:

Anna Rappaport
Barbara Butrica
Cindy Hounsell
Cindy Levering
Jane Lump
Steve Siegel