Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for October 2024 Exam FM.

Research Projects in Pension – Post Retirement Needs and Risks

Investment and Retirement Advice – A Guide for Employers

The Society of Actuaries’ Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks is pleased to make available a guide that employers can use when considering advice options for a company retirement plan.  The guide was authored by Linda Koco.


Investment and Retirement Advice – A Guide for Employers


If you have any questions or comments regarding the guide, please contact Steve Siegel, Research Actuary at

Thank You

The SOA’s Committee on Post Retirement Needs and Risks would like to thank the following members of the Project Oversight Group for their input:

Andrea Sellars
Anna Rapapport
Betty Meredith
Carol Bogosian
Cindy Hounsell
Elvin Turner
Greg Gocek
Greg Ward
Joe Tomlinson
John Migliaccio
Kelli Hueler
Linda Stone
Lynn Franzoi
Paula Hogan
Rick Miller
Andrew Peterson, SOA Staff Fellow
Steve Siegel, SOA Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, SOA Research Administrator