Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Provider Payment Arrangements, Provider Risks, and Their Relationship with the Cost of Health Care

The Society of Actuaries is pleased to make available research material that provides a thorough educational resource that can be used by health actuaries and others to explain various types of provider payment and risk arrangements. The material was authored by a team from Milliman:  Juliet Spector, Brian Studebaker and Ethan Menges.


Provider Payment Arrangements, Provider Risks, and their Relationship with the Cost of Health Care


If you have comments or questions, please contact Steve Siegel, Research Actuary at

Thank You

The SOA would like to thank the following members of the project oversight group for their review and support of the project:

Daniel Bailey
Christopher Coulter
Patrick Kinney
Stephen Poor
Daniel Pribe
Brandy Sneed
Coleen Young
Rebecca Owen, SOA Health Research Actuary
Steve Siegel, SOA Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, SOA Research Administrator

Thanks to Amanda Holland of Milliman for additional review of the material.