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Report on 2014 VBT/2017 CSO Impact Study: Considerations for Life Insurance Products

The Society of Actuaries and the American Council of Life Insurers announce the release of a new report on the implications of 2014 VBT/2017 CSO Impact Study. Karen Rudolph, Andrew Boyer and Charlie Linn of Milliman developed an analysis using data submitted by participating life insurers evaluating the impact of valuation mortality tables proposed for use in the insurance industry. The tables studied included beta versions of the 2014 Valuation Basic Table (2014 VBT), the 2014 Relative Risk Tables and corresponding beta version of the 2017 Commissioners Standard Ordinary (2017 CSO) table.

Beta tables are available upon request to Korrel Rosenberg, Research Administrator, at Final versions of the tables may be different from the beta tables tested in this analysis.


Report on 2014 VBT/2017 CSO Impact Study: Considerations for Life Insurance Products

Thank You

The Sponsors would like to thank the companies that participated in the study and the following individuals who served on Project Working Groups:

  • Mary J. Bahna-Nolan
  • Michael W. Boerner
  • John K. Bruins
  • Larry Bruning
  • Katie Cantor
  • Mary Elizabeth Caramagno
  • Nadeem Chowdhury
  • John G. DiMeo
  • Neil Fackler
  • Barbara Gold
  • James S. Hawke
  • Joshua Kendrach
  • Vera Ljucovic
  • Donna Megregian
  • Susan J. Miner
  • Arthur V. Panighetti
  • Brian Prast
  • Kimberly M. Steiner
  • P. Andrew Ware
  • Peter Andrew Weber
  • David Wylde
  • R. Dale Hall, SOA Managing Director of Research
  • Cynthia MacDonald, SOA Senior Experience Studies Actuary
  • Ronora Stryker, SOA Research Actuary
  • Jan Schuh, SOA Sr. Research Administrator


If you have questions or comments on this research, please contact Ronora Stryker, SOA Research Actuary, at