Comparison of Captive Insurer Jurisdictions

October 2017

The Society of Actuaries' Reinsurance Section and Committee on Life Insurance Research is pleased to make available a research report on captive insurer jurisdictions. The report, authored by the Risk & Regulatory Consulting, LLC team of Patricia Matson, Joseph Weiss, David Heppen and Stephan Donk, compares captive regulatory regimes, with a focus on captives reinsuring or issuing life insurance, annuities and long-term-care products (“life captives”).

The report also contains a foreword from the SOA’s Project Oversight Group offering additional insights and considerations on captive life insurers. An Excel® workbook accompanies the report and summarizes the captive insurer requirements of each jurisdiction examined.

The report and workbook provide resources for life, annuity and long-term care companies as they examine ways to manage risks and capital. They also can help policymakers and regulators assess the impact of the use of captive reinsurers on existing insurance industry requirements.


Comparison of Captive Insurer Jurisdictions Report

Comparison of Captive Insurer Jurisdictions Workbook

Thank You

The Sponsors would like to thank the following individuals for serving on the Project Oversight Group:

Larry Stern, Chair
Bonaventure Anthonio
Loreley Banchik
Scott Campbell
Katie Cantor
Fontaine Chan
Henry Cheng
John DiMeo
Steven Keshner
Quentin Marsh
David McIleroy
Alan Morris
Ronora Stryker, Research Actuary
Jan Schuh, Sr. Research Administrator

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