Accelerated Underwriting Practices Survey
The Reinsurance Section, Product Development Section and the Committee on Life Insurance Research are pleased to present results from a company practice survey of individual life insurance accelerated underwriting. Performed by a Milliman team led by Al Klein and Karen Rudolph, the study provides perspectives from both direct life insurance companies and reinsurers. Among the areas addressed include the structure of accelerated underwriting programs, how programs are monitored, how accelerated underwritten business is performing relative to expectations and how companies are considering accelerated underwriting cohorts in the context of VM-20 assumption setting.
Accelerated Underwriting Practices Survey
Thank You
The Sponsors would like to thank the companies that participated in the study and the individuals who served on the Project Oversight Group:
George Hrischenko - Chair Illya Golanek
Mary Bahna-Nolan Jason Jump
Sue Bartholf Nathan Mecray
Luc Bergeron Donna Megregian
Sean Conrad Murali Niverthi
Lauren Cross Mary Simmons
Andy Ferris Mervyn Kopinsky, SOA Experience Studies Actuary
Gershon Firestone Jan Schuh, SOA Sr. Research Administrator
Ronora Stryker, SOA Sr. Practice Research Actuary
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