The Potential Effect of Brexit on the U.S. Insurance Industry: Analyzing the U.K.’s Exit from the European Union
February 2019
The Society of Actuaries Committee on Finance Research is pleased to make available a research report that models the impact on the U.S. insurance market resulting from a post-Brexit economy in the UK. To predict and measure the impact, the report develops three different forecasts based on a consistent growth trend, a moderate view of the future impact, and a worst-case scenario. The report was authored by Julie Nye.
Thank You
The SOA would like to thank the following individuals for serving on the Project Oversight Group:
Steve Cheung
Jing Fritz
Natalie Gleed
Nina Han
Nicholas Kallis
Steve Marco
Robert Reitano
Gary Thomas
Xuefeng Wang
Steve Siegel, SOA Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, Sr. Research Administrator
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