Managing Post-Retirement Risks: Strategies for a Secure Retirement (Risk Chart)

The Society of Actuaries’ Aging & Retirement Strategic Research Program is pleased to make available the fourth edition of the retirement risk chart.  This chart provides information for consumers and other audiences on retirement risks and strategies for managing these risks.


Managing Post-Retirement Risks: Strategies for a Secure Retirement (Risk Chart)

The has produced a series of interview videos on issues addressed in the Risk Chart.  The series can be found at this website.

Thank You

The SOA would like to thank the following individuals for their input on the project:

Carol Bogosian, Project Manager

John Cutler

Ted Goldman

Barb Hogg

Sara Holden

Cindy Levering

John Migliaccio

Ron Nelson

Anna Rappaport

David Rogofsky

Steve Schoonveld

Jim Seifert

Andrea Sellars

Greg Ward

Steven Siegel, SOA Sr. Research Actuary

Mary Stone, SOA Retirement Staff Fellow

Barbara Scott, SOA Sr. Research Administrator

Questions or Comments?

If you have any comments or questions, please send an email to