Modeling and Pricing Cybersecurity Risks in Fog Computing Based IoT Architectures


Xiaoyu Zhang

Maochao Xu, PhD

Jianxi Su, PhD, FSA


In this paper we propose a novel class of propagation models to study the cybersecurity risks in fog computing cased IoT architectures, which are significantly different from the quantitative frameworks used in the existing cyber-related works within actuarial literature.


Modeling and Pricing Cybersecurity Risks in Fog Computing Based IoT Architectures


The researchers’ deepest gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: The Project Oversight Group for their diligent work reviewing and editing this report for accuracy and relevance.

Project Oversight Group members:

Syed Danish Ali

Jan Hou Chong

Joseph Hayes

Kelvin Lam

Shan Liu

Andrea Marcovici

Lisa Martell

Rasa McKean

Julie Meadows

Gabriel Penagos

Tamara Wilt

Zhijing Xu

At the Society of Actuaries:

Rob Montgomery

Erika Schulty

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