Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Modeling Effects of Enrollee Choice


Geof Hileman, FSA, MAAA


In health insurance marketplaces, prospective insured individuals and groups are able to choose from a range of available plans. This study uses health care encounter data to simulate the choices faced by health insurance shoppers under a variety of conditions and measures the simulated effect of increased consumer choice and consumer information on medical loss ratios and, as a consequence, insurer profitability.


Modeling Effects of Enrollee Choice

Model Marketplace Simulation Instructions


The researchers’ gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: the Project Oversight Group and others for their diligent work overseeing the analytical methods and results and reviewing and editing this report for accuracy and relevance.

Project Oversight Group members:
Jonathan Nehring, FSA, MAAA
Jingyi Su, FSA, MAAA
Tan Tan, FSA, MAAA

At the Society of Actuaries:
Achilles Natsis, FSA, MAAA
Erika Schulty

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