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What Retirement Plan Features Do Employees Really Want?


Timothy Geddes, FSA, EA, MAAA
Ian Raver, Manager
Alissa Levy, FSA, EA

Deloitte Consulting LLP


The SOA Retirement Section and Research Institute’s Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program are pleased to make available material from a research study that explored: What Retirement Plan Features do Employees Really Want? The report presents the findings of an online survey of U.S. adults conducted by Deloitte Consulting LLP. The purpose of the study was to gain insight into the features of retirement plans that are important to employees and where they may make trade-offs for the features they find most important. This report provides important observations for employers and other retirement stakeholders as they assess retirement plans.

Also included is the Choice Simulator Tool. The tool is intended to be used as a supplement to the report and can be used to model results and simulate employee preferences.


What Retirement Plan Features Do Employees Really Want?

Choice Simulator Tool

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What Retirement Plan Features Do Employees Really Want?

Thank You

The SOA Research Institute and Retirement Section would like to thank the following individuals for their input throughout this project:

Lee Gold (Chair), ASA, MAAA, EA
Carol Bogosian, ASA
David Cantor, ASA, EA
Cindy Levering, ASA, MAAA
Anna Rappaport, FSA, MAAA
David Rosenblum, FSA, EA, FCA
Andrea Sellars, FSA, MAAA
Kacy Tuffner, ASA
Lisa Ullman, FSA, EA, FCA, MAAA
Barbara Scott, Senior Research Administrator
Emily Rafferty, SOA Director of Business Insights, Strategy & Innovation
Steven C. Siegel, Senior Practice Research Actuary

Questions or Comments?

Give us your feedback! Take a short survey on this report. Take Survey

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