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A Primer on Generative AI for Actuaries

February 2024


Stephen Carlin, FIA
Stephan Mathys, FSA

This paper offers a technical overview of the mechanics of Generative AI, with several actual examples throughout. It is intended to be a practical introduction to the concept, not a comprehensive view. Actuaries should consider this a point-in-time view of this rapidly evolving industry and use the issues presented here to spark conversation within organizations and across the profession.


A Primer on Generative AI for Actuaries


A Primer on Generative AI for Actuaries


The researchers’ deepest gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: the Project Oversight Group for their diligent work overseeing, reviewing, and editing this report for accuracy and relevance.

Project Oversight Group members:

Henry Chen, FSA, MAAA, FCIA
Bruce Friedland, FSA, MAAA
Michael Levine, FSA
Mark Ma, FSA, MAAA
Paula Schwinn, FSA, MAAA
Feng Sun, FSA, CERA
At the Society of Actuaries Research Institute:
Korrel Crawford, Senior Research Administrator
R. Dale Hall, FSA, MAAA, CERA, Managing Director of Research

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