Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

12th Speculative Fiction Contest

Sponsored by:

Technology Section, Actuary of the Future Section, and Predictive Analytics and Futurism Section

The results are in and the biggest winners are …

…all of the readers who were allowed a peek at the future of actuarial science, changes expected by other actuaries, plus general futuristic ideas and actuarial dreams of our future shared by the most creative actuarial minds in the world!

The winners and prizes awarded are as follows:

Best Overall Story ($200)

Timeline by Rodge

Second Best Overall Story ($100)

New World by Tyson Mohr, FSA, MAAA

Most Unique Use of Technology in a Story ($50)

Good Morning, Maxwell by Jason Rossiter

Best Use of Futurism Methods ($50)

2064: A Calculated Risk by John A. Major, ASA, MAAA

Most Creative Future Actuarial Career ($50)

Grand Galactic Actuary by Gennady Stolyarov II, ASA, ACAS, MAAA

There is a Tie for Readers’ Choice: (A technological surprise)

2064: A Calculated Risk by John A. Major, ASA, MAAA and Corner it Like Chester by Michael Esser, ASA

I would like to thank the following for all of their time, work and extensive support of this contest:

  • Dr. Bob Mielke, Professor of English at Truman State University—our judge
  • Jane Lesch and all of the other employees from the SOA office, who helped with this contest
  • Tracy Kirkman, who has provided valuable assistance, new ideas and comments on the stories
  • And especially, the Technology Section, the Actuary of the Future Section and the Predictive Analytics and Futurism Section and their members for their sponsorship and support of this contest.

Congratulations to all who participated. I’m proud of the exciting creativity shown by actuaries!

Remember what Ray Bradbury said, “You fail only if you stop writing.”

See you next time around,

Gary Lange and Tracy Kirkman

Read all the stories here: