Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Chairperson’s Corner

By Jon Wu

International News, January 2023


I am Jon Wu, your new section chair. Former Chair, Carlos Arocha, passed this responsibility to me during the ImpACT conference in October 2022.

Your section council members and I are here to serve you. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Our information is listed on the SOA International Section page, where you can also find updates on section activity. Additionally, the International Section has a LinkedIn Group. Join the group to exchange information and learn of upcoming events and resources. A great place to connect with actuaries from different regions.


From the left, Jon Wu, chairperson of the International Section, Carlos Arocha, former chair of the International Section, Carla Eisenberg, SOA engagement specialist, and Ben Marshall SOA staff fellow, Canadian membership.

By the time you read this message, the council members should have completed the annual plan. A few tasks are already in the planning process:

  1. Carlos Arocha is taking the lead in developing the multi-program seminar to be held on May 2023. We hope that you or someone you know can help us to prepare and cover various solvency regimens in the world such as US RBC, EU Solvency II, Canadian LICAT, Bermuda SCR, China C-ROSS, etc. 
  2. We are working with Social Insurance & Public Finance to commission a study regarding Family Leave related issues. We will inform you once the study is completed.

Additionally, I would like to inform you that a professional certificate related to the climate change is coming soon in 2023.

More information on section activities to come! I encourage you to contact us with comments or requests or if you have an article to share for the newsletter.

Keep in touch and stay healthy!

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Jon Wu, FSA, MAAA, CERA is chair of the SOA International Section, a member of SOA CFE exam track committee, and a member of ORSA/ERM committee of American Academy of Actuaries (AAA). He can be reached at