Annoucement: SOA releases December 2024 Exam FM passing candidate numbers.

Chairperson’s Corner

by Frank Reynolds

Risk Management, December 2020


Under Florian Richard’s leadership the Joint Risk Management Section (JRMS) Council accomplished a great deal in 2020. We provided many successful sessions at the annual meetings of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Casualty Actuarial Society, as well as the Canadian Institute of Actuaries Annual Conference. The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Symposium was held in March and, thanks to the work of David Core and his associates, went well in spite of the need to improvise due to the large numbers of cancellations.

Risk Management was published four times with a total of eight articles. Seven webcasts on a variety of topics were offered. The library was updated with several new books.

The 2021 council has been hard at work planning the coming year. Building on Florian’s work, there will be four newsletters and seven to 10 webinars. We also plan to add four podcasts. The library will be updated and a series of book reviews added to the newsletter and the LinkedIn page.

We decided to eschew the face-to-face format of the ERM Symposium in 2021 and will replace it with a virtual one-day four-session symposium. We also plan to expand our research as topics arise. The friends of the section, always important to our success, will have more opportunities for involvement. And of course, the sessions at the various meetings will be continued.

I look forward to serving as the section chair for 2021, and I hope to meet as many of you, our section members, as possible over the coming year.


Frank Reynolds, FSA, FCIA, MAAA, is chair of the Joint Risk Management Section Council and has taught at the University of Waterloo for 35 years. He can be reached at