Announcement: SOA congratulates the new ASAs and CERAs for October 2024.

JRMS Library

By Vy Le

Risk Management, April 2021


Did you know that as a member of the Joint Risk Management Section, you would have access to an electronic library that has over a hundred books related to risk management? This benefit is just one more way your membership in the Joint Risk Management Section pays off!

What can You Find in the Library?

The library contains over 120 e-books and a couple of audiobooks with publication dates since 1996. The selection ranges from general risk management to specific risk management topics. For example, you can find high-level enterprise risk management books like Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls by James Lam and Simple tools and techniques for enterprise risk management by John Robert Chapman. Then we have a great selection that covers various topics such as operational risk management, financial risk management, liquidity risk, cyber risk, data governance and more. There are also a few books related to analytics such as The Demand for Life Insurance: Dynamic Ecological Systemic Theory Using Machine Learning Techniques by Wookjae Heo and Charting the Next Pandemic: Modeling Infectious Disease Spreading in the Data Science Age” by Ana Pastore Piontii.

What is New in the Library This Year?

Every year, we look for new and relevant books to be added to the library. This year, the following four books were added:

  • Analytics for Insurance: The Real Business of Big Data by Tony Boobier.
  • Data Protection: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance by David G. Hill.
  • How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk by Douglas W. Hubbard.
  • Pandemic Risk Management in Operations and Finance: Modeling the Impact of COVID-19 by Desheng Dash Wu.

Any suggestions of new books to add are welcome.

How to Access the Library?

To access the library, you need to login to the Engage website. There are three ways to get there:

  1. Start from the JRM Section Homepage at and click on the card labelled Member Benefit: Access to EBSCO
  2. Start from the JRM Section Home page at and click on the Resources tab on the landing page and click on EBSCO e-Library
  3. Start directly from SOA Engage at

Once you get to the Engage platform login page, log in using your SOA credentials and go to Communities tab on the top and choose the Joint Risk Management community. Then click on EBSCO E-book library as shown below.



Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the editors, or the respective authors’ employers.

Vy (Ngoc) Le, FSA, CERA, CFA, FCIA, MBA, is currently a member of the Joint Risk Management Section Council and a director at Canada Life and can be contacted at