What to Expect During the Virtual Associateship Professionalism Course (APC)
The SOA offers the Associateship Professionalism Course (APC) by remote learning to candidates around the world who are unable or prefer not to attend an in-person APC.
Here is what to expect if you choose the Virtual APC.
Each Virtual APC runs over a month-long timeframe and includes two components – an e-Learning module and a virtual meeting session.
Component #1: E-Learning Module
Candidates are given access to an online e-Learning module that they complete on their own (estimated 3-4 hours).
- The module covers the Code of Professional Conduct, Standards of Practice, ethics and legal liability.
- Candidates have approximately 14 days to complete the online module.
Component #2: Virtual Meeting Session
Following completion of the module, candidates participate in a virtual case discussion where small groups of candidates and one facilitator meet via a virtual meeting platform (estimated 2-3 hours in length).
- Virtual sessions include discussion of ethics case studies.
- Candidates select a virtual session once access is opened for the module. Virtual session scheduling options span a two-week period.
Candidates should sign-in to their virtual session 10-15 minutes prior to the session start time. Participants who are absent for more than 10 minutes will be required to repeat the entire course.
For additional information on system requirements, review the e-Learning Management System Requirements and Zoom Meeting Requirements for Attendees.