Introducing new SOA Micro-credentials
Stackable, shareable, and marketable milestones

An evolving, more rewarding pathway
We bundled some of our pathway steps into three Micro-credentials to make your enhanced education a lot more rewarding. They signal to employers you mastered the curriculum material and are equipped to practice and succeed.
Employers recognize SOA’s high standards and reward you for earning ASA pathway milestones. And now, you can share these meaningful educational accomplishments as social media digital badges.
Pathway Micro-credentials Digital Badges
Pre-Actuarial Foundations
Actuarial Science Foundations
Data Science for Actuaries
New SOA Micro-credentials show off your pathway progress
Track, share, and market your progress toward your ASA designation. Micro-credentials represent distinct knowledge and skills. They demonstrate a level of pathway achievement to employers, co-workers and your professional network. Your pathway is not extended and there is no application necessary.
ASA Pathway 2022
Learn more about the pathway components and the transition rules.

Pre-Actuarial Foundations
Represents the skills required to learn how to solve actuarial problems but with limited actuarial context. These skills include accounting, corporate finance, economics, probability, financial mathematics and advancing candidates’ adaptability and emotional quotients (AQ/EQ). The latter will be accomplished via a new e-Learning module.

Actuarial Science Foundations Micro-credential*
Adds analytics and the basics of actuarial techniques to the components required for the Pre-Actuarial Foundations Micro-credential along with additional AQ/EQ training. Those holding this micro-credential are equipped to work alongside actuaries in a technician role. Many organizations employ such technicians, and this Micro-credential provides recognition of those skills.

Data Science for Actuaries
Comprises the three components of the ASA pathway related to analytics. This Micro-credential demonstrates knowledge in data science that would be recognized in non-actuarial areas of a financial services company.