The Society of Actuaries Research Institute dedicates a portion of our research to exploring issues unique to various dimensions of population diversity on topics that are relevant to industries that involve actuarial practice. Topics cover a variety of practice areas and related financial industries.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Explores issues unique to various dimensions of population diversity on industry-relevant topics
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Research
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Impactful Research

Perceptions Across Diverse U.S. Populations
Review the survey findings and learn more about perceptions of insurance and retirement products and services across diverse U.S. subpopulations.
Mortality and Race and Ethnicity in the United States
This survey of existing literature can be used by actuaries as an aid in modeling possible mortality differentials when considering full U.S. population analysis.
Statistical Methods for Imputing Race & Ethnicity Ethnicity
Learn more about techniques for predictions of individual race and/or ethnicity.
Retirement Wealth by Race and Ethnicity
Learn more about the extent of racial disparities in retirement savings.
Maternal Mortality in the United States
Review past studies on maternal mortality levels, trends, and differentials in the U.S.
Health and Health Care Inequalities
Read about the challenge of robust analysis given the impact of disparities in health care access, cost, and quality of care across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic demographics in the U.S.
LTSS Usage and Payment by Race, Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Factors
An overview of the current system of long-term services and supports and a discussion of existing disparities.