Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

AoF Section Offerings

By Nate Pohle

Actuary of the Future, May 2021


The Actuarial of the Future (AoF) Section’s mission is to inform both credentialed and aspiring actuaries about the current and possible future state of the actuarial profession. We strive to provide a channel through which our members can learn about emerging technologies and evolving business environments that could reshape the roles of actuaries.

Our current section council’s key priorities for 2021 are:

  • To inform credentialed AoF members as to the future of actuarial work through our newsletter, podcasts, webcasts, and social media.
  • To inform and attract aspiring actuaries with engaging content (podcasts, webcasts, and sponsored contests) as well as increase engagement with actuarial student clubs.

We’ve already made great progress on these priorities and even added an undergraduate intern to our section council to help with these efforts. However, we recognize that AoF members may not be aware of all that we have going on, so we wanted to outline a few more specifics so that you can take full advantage of your membership and find ways of pitching in!

  • Speculative Fiction Contest—One of the most enjoyable, fun contests is the AOF sponsored Speculative Fiction Contest. In its 14th year, this offers an opportunity for actuaries to submit creative stories, cartoons, and the like about the future of actuarial science, insurance, and related topics. Even for those not interested in submitting an article, there is an annual opportunity to read and vote the best submissions!
  • Podcasts—On the go and hoping to learn about how actuaries are thriving and breaking new ground? Check out our brand-new series of podcasts where we invite chief actuaries to share their perspectives on the future of actuarial work. Check out Part 1—Liz Dietrich from Prudential.
  • SOA Meetings and Seminars—The AoF section develops specific content to be presented during meeting sessions and seminars. We are looking forward to meeting in-person with all of our section members as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Webcasts—Section members receive discounts on section-developed webcasts and free access to section created webcasts over one-year old!
  • Research—The AoF council recently voted to contribute US$3000 (as well as our own ideas) toward an SOA Actuarial Innovation & Technology (AIT) research initiative called “How Companies Foster Innovation.” This initiative focuses on the evolving business environment actuaries will face in the coming years, and we feel like the results of this research will be particularly relevant to AoF members.
  • LinkedIn—Looking for LinkedIn connections and conversations? The Actuary of the Future LinkedIn group is a great way to keep up with current events and discussion around the future of actuarial work. If you’re on LinkedIn, be sure to join our group!
  • University Outreach—The AoF section prioritizes helping actuarial students learn about the industry and how their prospective career may change in the future. Section members are provided with a perspective of what skills and attributes they may need to transition from their university to their first job.
  • Hot topics—Interested in the latest trends and topics impacting the insurance and actuarial community? AoF hot topics take an outside-in perspective to provide hot topics that may be of interest.
  • Newsletter—Last but not least, if you are reading this newsletter you are already realizing one of the section member benefits! Now in a digital format, the AoF newsletter discusses futurism and the latest actuarial trends. Published six times a year in January, March, May, July, and October. Look for more editions coming out soon.

We have several other initiatives that we are working on as well and will keep you posted on those.

If you aren’t an AoF member, please consider joining our section today! We also like to hear feedback, so please email any of the section council members below!

Nate Pohle

Eddie Smith

Yuan Yuan

Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the editors, or the respective authors’ employers.

Nate Pohle, FSA, CERA, MAAA, is a senior manager for Deloitte. He can be contacted at