Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Chairperson’s Corner

By Lori Weyuker

The Stepping Stone, March 2023


This past December, the Leadership & Development Section Council met virtually to set our strategy as well as action plans for 2023. All council members came ready with ideas, cutting-edge relevant topics, and new avenues for execution of our mission.

Management Topics

We had a spirited conversation about pertinent management topics. Among them, a plethora of subtopics to help “new managers” traverse the world of becoming great managers. Another area of focus will be career management, to help enable actuaries to get their career trajectory on a path which is in-line with their career objectives. Be on the lookout for our content in these areas.

Communication Topics

Good communication skills continue to be an important instrument in the toolbox every actuary can use to improve the impact of their work. We heard from our members that this is of keen interest, so we took note. We plan to put out content on presentation skills, how to influence people, how to effectively communicate with non-actuaries and other topics.

Leadership Topics

As one progresses through their careers, leadership skills become increasingly important. But how does one define leadership, and how can one demonstrate it in their job, especially if they aren’t officially designated as a leader? Learning these skills in a practical and impactful manner as well as other related themes will be amongst our subjects of focus.

Hybrid Work Environment

This continues to be a timely area of focus in today’s working world. We plan to put out content in onboarding in a hybrid work environment, engaging teams remotely, work-life balance when working remotely and more.

New! Planned Projects

  • Previously, the SOA had book clubs which were very popular, so the Leadership & Development Section plans to execute on a (new!) book club! We plan to get into and discuss some timely, stimulating, and relevant books. Look forward to a thought-provoking and engaging time! This activity can provide both professional insight as well as a great networking experience.
  • Another new activity for our section is our part of the upcoming 2023 SOA “Spring Boot Camp,” scheduled to take place in-person (not virtually) in Chicago, May 1–2. You can look forward to two days of inspiring and practical leadership and development training, taught by experts. This impactful intensive training is expected to bring you to the next level in your own leadership skills.

Ongoing Activities

The section council continues to provide our much-sought-after content in the following continuing education activities:

  • L&D topics are in great demand at three annual SOA conferences. At each, the L&D Section Council thoughtfully plans and executes timely, practical sessions on topics within our mission of “leadership” and “development.” While each event will be in-person, there are likely to be virtual options for attending:
    • Health Meeting: June 26–28, Seattle, WA
    • Life Meeting: Aug. 20–23, New Orleans, LA
    • ImpACT Meeting: Oct. 22–25, Indianapolis, IN
  • Live! Webcasts
  • The Stepping Stone,” The Leadership & Development Section newsletter

Seeking Volunteers

With so much output of activity and inspiring content, we actively seek volunteers. If you are passionate about a specific area project in “leadership” and “development,” and have a few hours, please reach out. Keep your eyes open to posted L&D requests on the SOA volunteer opportunities webpage[1].

Alternatively, feel free to contact me directly.

This is just a subset of our 2023 plan. As always, we need your input in order to optimally serve you! Please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the current Leadership & Development Section Council Members with your suggestions and comments. We welcome your input.

Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the newsletter editors, or the respective authors’ employers.

Lori Weyuker, ASA, is the chair of the Leadership & Development Section Council and works as an independent consultant to insurtech efforts, the pet insurance industry and health care innovation. She can be reached at

