Exam Day Requirements and Procedures

Updated February 22, 2024

Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Exams

Please review the Procedures for CBT Exam Day for details on requirements, including what you need for admission and what to expect when you arrive at the testing center.

Paper/Pencil (P/P) Exams

Each candidate must present a valid Acknowledgement Letter (which serves as the ticket of admission) and valid identification for admission to a testing center.

Each candidate will be required to sign in at the examination center.

Acknowledgement Letter

The Acknowledgement Letter can be a printed version or on an electronic device. Candidates who choose to use an electronic version of their Acknowledgement Letter are responsible for knowing their candidate number or having their candidate number written down on a separate piece of paper. 


The candidate's identification must meet the identification requirementsNote: Digital ID’s are not accepted at this time. 

A candidate who does not present valid identification, or who refuses or is unable to provide a matching signature, will not be permitted to take the examination.