Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Understanding Actuarial Practice (UAP) Online Resources

These documents and spreadsheets are provided for informational and educational purposes only. The Society of Actuaries makes no representation or guarantee with regard to its content, and disclaims any responsibility or liability in connection with the use or misuse of any information provided herein. These documents and spreadsheets should not be construed as professional or financial advice. Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual author and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries or its officers, directors, staff or representatives. The Society of Actuaries does not endorse or make any guarantee with regard to any products, services or procedures mentioned or herein. All of these materials are copyright © 2012, Society of Actuaries.

Click each link below to open or download the indicated file.

Chapter 2

Excerpt from From Actuarius to Actuary

Chapter 4

Principles Underlying Actuarial Science

Chapter 6

Solutions to Section 6.5 Exercises

Chapter 8

Solutions to Section 8.4 Exercises

Chapter 9

Solutions to Section 9.4 Exercise

Chapter 10

Solutions to Section 10.3 Exercises

Chapter 11

Solutions to Section 11.5 Exercises

Chapter 13-18

A single spreadsheet, life section tables and solutions, contains calculations for various examples and solutions to selected exercises in these chapters

Chapter 13

Section 13.1.4 — The experience study on lapse rates at the end of the level term period is in three files:

Section 13.1.7 Exercises

  • The solutions to Exercises 13.1 and 13.3 are in the spreadsheet for Chapters 13-18.
  • The solutions for the other exercises are in the Section 13.1.7 solutions file


The spreadsheet of returns for Exercise 13.3 is FAP S&P 500 Returns.xls.

Section 13.2.5 Exercises — The solutions to all these exercises are in the spreadsheet for Chapters 13-18.

Chapter 14

Section 14.2.1 Exercise — The solution to this exercise is in the spreadsheet for Chapters 13-18.

The paper by Jennifer Rankin referenced in Section 14.4, " Should You Go Global?"

Chapter 15

The paper by James C. H. Anderson referenced in Section 15.1.2, " Gross Premium Calculation and Profit Measurement for Nonparticipating Life Insurance."

Section 15.2.6 Exercises

  • The solutions to Exercises 15.1 and 15.4-6 are in the spreadsheet for Chapters 13-18. The solutions for the other exercises are in the Section 15.2.6 solutions file


Chapter 16

The paper by Shane Chalke referenced in Section 16.1.7, " Macro Pricing."

The asset share spreadsheet for Example 16.4 is separate from the spreadsheet with the other examples.

Section 16.7 Exercises

  • The solution to Exercise 16.5 is in the spreadsheet for Chapters 13-18. The solutions for the other exercises are in the Section 16.7 solutions file. 

Chapter 17

The two files for the SOA-LIMRA study discussed in Section 17.4 are:


The GRET study discussed in Section 17.5.2 is available only as a link the NAIC website.

Section 17.6 Exercise

The solution for this exercise in the Section 17.6 solutions file.


Chapter 18

The 2001 Commissioners Standard Ordinary mortality table used in Example 18.1. The same file has the 2000 Annuity mortality table used in Example 18.3.

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards SFAS 60 and SFAS 97 discussed in Section 18.2.4 are available only by link to the original website.

The SOA's Table Manager discussed in Section 18.2.4 is available by link. Because the table manager is frequently updated, we prefer to link to the source rather than provide a copy at the book's website.

Section 18.7 Exercises'

  • The solutions to Exercises 18.1-2, 18.4-5, and 18.7-12 are in the spreadsheet for Chapters 13-18. The solutions for the other exercises are in the Section 18.7 solutions file


Chapters 21-27

Written Solutions to the exercises in Chapters 21-27 are in the file Answers to Retirement Benefits exercises.

Excel solutions for selected exercises are in the file Solutions to retirement benefits exercises.

Chapters 30-31

The file Health Case Study contains files that support various examples in these chapters.

The file Solutions to Health Section Exercises contains the solutions for all exercises in this section.

The file Health Section Solutions contains spreadsheets that support some of the solutions.