2023 Board Member Candidate

Daniel Pribe, FSA 2001, MAAA 1995
Vice President and Chief Actuary
St. Louis, MO
Message One
Actuaries are uniquely qualified to assess risks and develop solutions to the challenges we face. However, emerging trends such as the rise of artificial intelligence have and will continue to impact our work and value proposition as a profession.
The SOA must maintain and enhance this value proposition of the profession and attract future candidates. I see this as being accomplished by:
- Continuing to adapt its learning pathways with opportunities for actuaries to stay abreast of emerging technologies and use them in making better strategic decisions for their employers and clients,
- Providing educational and research opportunities that promote collaboration across practices areas and countries (e.g., forums to discuss how different countries and areas of practice are addressing climate change),
- Promoting the profession via continued outreach to future candidates at universities and earlier in their education.
I have 35 years of professional experience and over 20 years of SOA volunteer experience including several years on the executive team of the SOA’s Education and Examination Committee and as a member of a board appointed task force which researched and recommended changes the SOA made to the ASA pathway to increase candidates knowledge of data science and advanced predictive analytics. My professional and volunteer experiences will be an asset in fulfilling my board responsibilities. You can find more information at the following link.
Thank you for your consideration.
Message Two
Actuaries are uniquely positioned to assess risk and develop solutions in these challenging yet interesting times. However, we and our profession must maintain our value proposition for employers and clients through staying abreast of emerging trends, new technologies, and approaches in assessing risk. Thus, the SOA must continue to offer its members and candidates educational pathways and credentialling opportunities that sustain our profession and attract qualified candidates now and into the future.
I am ready to help the SOA in this important work. I have over twenty years of SOA volunteer experience including several years on the executive team overseeing education and examinations and on a board appointed task force that recommended changes to the ASA educational pathway. I have broad industry experience that has given me exposure to many of the issues our profession faces as well as perspectives on potential solutions. Additional information can be found at the following link.
Whatever you decide, it is important that you exercise your vote.
Thanks for your consideration.