Actuary of the Future |
- Section LinkedIn group
- Podcasts
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
- Speculative Fiction Contest
Education & Research |
- Facilitate annual Actuarial Research Conference (ARC)
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Emerging Topics Community |
- Articles published by the community
- Community-sponsored research
- Community-produced seminars
- Podcasts
- Community LinkedIn group
- Community created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Entrepreneurial & Innovation |
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking Opportunities (virtual and in-person)
- Podcasts
Financial Reporting |
- Section-sponsored research
- Section-produced seminars
- Podcasts
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Health |
- Section-sponsored research
- Section-produced seminars
- Health Affairs subscription
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
International |
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
- Contests
- Ambassador Program
Investment |
- Section-sponsored research
- Section-produced seminars
- Podcasts
- Contests
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Joint Risk Management |
Leadership & Development |
- Contests
- Podcasts
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Long Term Care Insurance |
- Section-sponsored research
- Podcasts
- Section member-only LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Marketing & Distribution |
- Competiscan access
- Section-sponsored research
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Product Development |
- Section-sponsored research
- Section-produced seminars
- Contests
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Reinsurance |
- Section-sponsored research
- Section-produced seminars
- Podcasts
- Contests
- Section LinkedIn group
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Retirement |
Smaller Insurance Company |
- Section-sponsored research
- Regulatory alerts
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Social Insurance & Public Finance |
- Section-sponsored research
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities
Taxation |
- Section-produced seminars
- Podcasts
- Section created content for continuing education, including meeting sessions and webcasts
- Networking opportunities