Annoucement: SOA releases December 2024 Exam FM passing candidate numbers.

Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice (FAP) 30-Day Trial Account

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice (FAP) course is one among several requirements for individuals who desire to be admitted as Associates of the Society of Actuaries (ASA). The FAP course may also be appropriate for any individual engaged in actuarial work. Some current course participants are college or university students while other course participants are working for employers in part- or full-time positions. Course participants come from a wide array of educational and career backgrounds.

Expected Trial Account Audience:

Trial account audiences include, but are not limited to:

  • High school students interested in pursuing actuarial science.
  • Parents assisting their children with college/university selections and/or career planning.
  • College and university students enrolled in mathematics or other quantitative programs.
  • College and university professors.
  • High school, college and university guidance counselors.
  • Managers working with and coaching actuarial students.
  • Interested business professionals.

The FAP Course

FAP is comprised of five modules, each followed by an Interactive Scenarios, four End-of-Module Assessments (except for the Monitoring Results Module), and a Final Assessment. Candidates have two years to complete the entire FAP course. There are no prerequisites required to enroll in the FAP course, however those taking FAP have typically progressed through one or more of the preliminary exams.

FAP encompasses real-world applications and uses examples to demonstrate actuarial principles and practices. Practical techniques are presented to assist participants in their day-to-day work. Candidates also have opportunities to apply these principles and techniques in traditional and non-traditional actuarial practice areas. With familiarity to the fundamentals, candidates for the ASA are better prepared to apply their learning to new areas of practice that may emerge during their actuarial career.

Trial Account Content

The FAP Trial Account provides access to the following e-Learning content, which is the same content accessed by FAP course registrants:

  • Risk in Actuarial Problems Module
  • Risk in Actuarial Problems Interactive Scenario

The following is excluded from the FAP Trial Account:

  • Offline textbook readings
  • Learning Companion access
  • End-of-Module Assessments and the Final Assessment
  • Test questions


Registration for the FAP Trial Account provides 30-day access to the above content.