Announcement: SOA releases November 2024 Exam P and EA2-F passing candidate numbers.

Instant Results and Performance Feedback

Instant Results

An unofficial pass/fail result will be displayed on the computer screen at the conclusion of the examination for the following computer-based testing (CBT) preliminary exams:

Instant results are not available for paper/pencil exams. 

The candidate should carefully read the result that is displayed on the computer screen at the conclusion of the exam.

Candidates taking exams with instant results will now receive an emailed score report from Prometric within the hour after testing is finished. No paper pass/fail report is handed out at any Prometric Testing Center.

When an exam is brand new or the syllabus has been changed, results will no longer be instantaneous (at least for the next few sessions) since post-exam analysis will be required by the examination committee. Instead, results will be released on the SOA website about 8 weeks after each testing window ends.

The official decile scores will be available for both CBT and pencil-and-paper candidates in the SOA online transcript facility approximately eight weeks after the exam administration.

Score Reports

If you did not receive your score report from Prometric, you can use the Prometric Report Validation Portal to get a pdf copy of it. You will need to enter your exam confirmation number and your last name and then complete the captcha code, then click "Validate Score Report". 

Example of what to expect on the Prometric Report Validation Portal.

Instant Results Reliability

The unofficial instant pass/fail results received by candidates after they complete a CBT exam have been extremely reliable. Since this practice began in February 2007 the SOA has administered CBT exams to tens of thousands of candidates. In all that time there was only one instance, very early in the transition to CBT, where the unofficial instant pass/fail result did not match a candidate’s official final score result.  Candidates can be very confident that their unofficial pass/fail result will match their official final scores.

Performance Feedback 

A diagnostic representation is provided for all exam candidates that are taking CBT preliminary exams that have instant results who are unsuccessful and do not pass their exam. This feedback is not available for paper/pencil exam administrations.

This performance feedback can be found on the failed results document emailed from Prometric. The performance feedback is designed to provide general guidance on the areas needing further study prior to a next attempt.

The ratings are produced using a standard methodology employed by Prometric. However, with the relatively low number of questions on these exams it is possible that a candidate mistake on one or two exam questions will have an adverse effect on the feedback ratings assigned and could move the rating into a category that may not accurately reflect the candidate’s knowledge of the subject. It is up to the candidate to determine the specific areas where future study emphasis should be focused.  

Please note: This feedback is completely independent of the grading process for the exams and has no direct correlation to the grade you receive. It is only intended to aid unsuccessful candidates when they begin to prepare for another attempt. No changes have been made to the grading process for the CBT exams.