Spring 2008 Basic Education Catalog

Spring 2008 Basic Education Catalog

General Information


Defective Questions

Occasionally, through an inadvertent error or a difference in interpretation, an examination question is found to be defective. Examples of defects might include typographical errors, ambiguities, or questions that test material no longer covered in the Course of Reading. Candidates who believe that a question is defective should write to ombudsperson@soa.org within two weeks of the date the examination was administered.  This letter should explain in detail why the question seems to be defective.  The SOA E&E Committee will investigate all questions brought to its attention in this way, and may make allowances in the grading process, if appropriate.  The E&E Committee may make use of candidates' examination books to determine whether their scores should be adjusted. The committee makes no guarantee it can consider correspondence that does not reach the SOA office within two weeks after the examination administration.