Fee Reimbursement Program: Academic Exam
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application and documentation due within six months of grade release.
The Academic Exam Fee Reimbursement Program was established as a means to reduce the economic barrier for university and college faculty members and graduate Ph.D. students who may lack monetary support. The SOA will reimburse 80% of the exam and assessment fees for successful full–time faculty members of accredited universities and colleges and full–time graduate students in Ph.D. programs subject to the following:
Eligibility Requirements:
University and college faculty members:
- Must be full–time faculty member at the time the exam is taken (or the assessment is downloaded) with a university or college accredited by a nationally recognized body (documentation required).
- Must have passed Exams P and FM.
- Must have a passing result on exam(s) or assessment(s) submitted for reimbursement.
Graduate Ph.D. students:
- Must be enrolled full–time in a Ph.D. program at the time the exam is taken or the assessment is downloaded (documentation required).
- Must have no other substantial employment outside the university.
- Must have passed Exams P and FM.
- Must have passing result on exam(s) or assessment(s) submitted for reimbursement.
The following exams and assessments will be eligible for 80% fee reimbursement under this program (successful attempts only). However, candidates eligible for student discounts are reimbursed based on the discounted fee amount regardless of what was actually paid.
- Exam FAM
- Exam FAM-L
- Exam FAM-S
- Exam ALTAM
- Exam ASTAM
- Exam SRM
- Exam PA
- Exam ATPA
- Pre-Actuarial Foundations Micro-Credential (Module Only)
- Actuarial Science Foundations Micro-Credential (Module Only)
- Fellowship-Level Exams
For any exam or assessment that is passed on a retake, only the retake fee amount will be reimbursed
Eligible faculty members and Ph.D. students interested in receiving a fee reimbursement for the above exams/assessments should submit an Academic Exam Fee Reimbursement application. Details regarding the required documentation can be found on the application form. Supporting documents and questions can be sent directly to universityprograms@soa.org.