Record of Society of Actuaries 1997, Vol. 23, No. 1 - Contents
Palm Desert Spring Meeting–May 21–23, 1997
This issue of the Record was edited by
Gary S. Lange (Chairperson), Gretchen A. Flatto (Lead Editor), David Jarrett, Dennis Monaghan, Craig Morrow and Robert A. Pryor.
- Session #1 GS
- The Old–Age Crisis
- James C. Hickman, David M. Holland, Larry D. Zimpleman
- Session #3 PD
- A Watershed in Mexican Social Security?
- Frederick W. Kilbourne, Donald A. MCIssac, Carlos Lozano Nathal, Marcela Flores Quiroz
- Session #4 PD
- Excess Coverage Reinsurance for Health Care Providers
- Brian Dale Shively, Jill Starbucks, Jerome Winkelstein
- Session #5 PD
- Underwriting Products for the Terminally Ill–Does It Make Cents?
- Richard L. Bergstrom, Martin Engman, M.D., Kent Major
- Session #6 PD
- Dread Disease and Critical Illness Products
- Christine Majevich Bellavia, David L. Grimshaw, Paivi A. Liitela, Robert Weir
- Session #7 PD
- The Future of Individual Disability Income
- Michael Koopersmith, Mark E. McGuire, David W. Simbro, Daniel D. Skwire
- Session #8 PD
- Health Care Reform: What Next?
- William F. Bluhm, Christine M. Cassidy, Cori E. Uccello
- Session #9 PD
- Current Strategies for Insured Dental Products
- Floyd R. Martin, Dennis Spain, Deanna D. Strable, Jeffrey K. Tilford, Karl G. Whitmarsh
- Session #10 PD
- Design and Development of Point-of-Service (POS) Products
- James E. Drennan, Timothy J. Feeser, Walter H. Hoskins, Jamie Bruce Meyers
- Session #12 PD
- Pension Simplification: Defined-Benefit Plans
- James A. Hughes, Ethan E. Kra
- Session #14 IF
- Corporate Reorganization: What Does it Mean for Pension Plans?
- Joan Boughton, William Daniels
- Session #15 PF
- Valuation of Health Business for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)
- Robert H. Dobson, Jerry W. Fickes, Timothy F. Harris, David R. Nelson Paul E. Stordahl
- Session #17 D
- Should Smaller Insurance Companies Do Cash–Flow Testing?
- Larry D. Baber, Robert H. Dreyer, Norman E. Hill
- Session #22 GS
- Cyberbug: Actuarial Education and the Lessons of History
- Michael J. Cowell
- Session #25 PD
- Opportunities for the International Actuary
- Thomas A. Jaros, Cathy M. O'Bright, Michael Swerdlin
- Session #26 PD
- Pension Simplification: Defined–Contribution Plans
- Catherine L. Cole, Paul T. Shultz
- Session #30 PD
- Underwriting for the Senior Life Market
- David Nolin Cook, Peter Komsthoeft, David A. Rains, John B. Yanko
- Session #31 PD
- Joint and Second-to-Die: Pricing Assumptions Revisited
- Jerry Bender, Karen J. Engler, Michael S. Taht
- Session #33 IF
- Dialogue with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
- Ronald Gebhardtsbauer, Ellen (Nel) A. Hennessey, Pamela Lash Marlin
- Session #37 PD
- The Business of Medicine 101
- Joseph O'Hehir, James N. Roberts, Jeffrey P. Winter
- Session #44 TS
- Managerial Decision Making
- Nathaniel W. Boughton, Angelica B. Michail
- Session #47 PD
- Selling Your Individual Disability Insurance (IDI) Block Through Indemnity Reinsurance
- Robert W. Beal, G. William Boyd, Scott R. Munse
- Session #49 PD
- Managed Disability in Action
- Mary Bradley, Aldon (Al) Daniels, David G. Fitzpatrick, Robert B. Hardin, Janna L. Rogers
- Session #50 PD
- Rating Services and Health Care Organizations
- David W. Carlson, John (Jack) D. Ladley, Cynthia S. Miller
- Session #51 PD
- Clinical Issues in Actuarial Analyses For Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
- Susan K. Albee, Richard L. Doyle
- Session #53 PD
- Small Pension Plan Design and Funding After the Demise of 415(e)
- Donald J. Segal, James E. Turpin
- Session #54 PD
- Which Pension Funding Method Is Right for You?
- David R. Jarrett, Carolyn E. Zimmerman
- Session #55 IF
- Applied Futurism
- Peter C. Bishop, Dorn H. Swerdlin
- Session #56 IF
- Pension Plan Administration: To Outsource or Not?
- Scott Fowler, Anil K. Kohli
- Session #58 OF
- Physician Incentive Programs
- Larry J. Pfannerstill, John J. Schubert, Barry M. Shane, Martin E. Staehlin
- Session #59 D
- Saliva or Specimen? Your Preference Please
- Kevin M. Crowley, Dick Van Maanen, Philip E. McHale, Edward A. Turner
- Session #68 PD
- Late-Breaking Pension Developments
- Richard G. Schreitmueller, Paul T. Shultz
- Session #69 PD
- Completing the 1996 Schedule B
- Neil A. Parmenter, Michael L. Pisula
- Session #70 PD
- Medical Products for Medicare Beneficiaries
- Donna C. Novak, Jill Ann Stockard, David W. Wille, Jean M. Wodarczyk
- Session #72 PD
- Future of Employee Benefits
- George Amato, Anne McKillips, Dorn H. Swerdlin
- Session #80 TS
- The Future Role of Lloyd's of London
- Colin M. Owen, Erik J. Rasmussen, Roger K. Smith
- Session #82 RP
- Actuarial Testimony for the Pension Actuary
- Joan Boughton, Richard Joss, Paul E. Pompeo
- Session #93 PD
- Long-Term Disability Experience Committee Results–Issues and Impacts
- Edward G. Bailey, David G. Fitzpatrick, William J. Hauser, G. Nicholas Smith
- Session #97 PD
- Health Actuaries and the Internet
- Jeffrey G. Allen, Mark Epstein, James R. Weiss
- Session #99 IF
- Reinsurance for a Changing Long–Term–Care (LTC) Environment
- Gary L. Corliss, Gerald A. Elsea, James M. Glickman, Michael A. Lillie
- Session #101 TS
- Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) Liability Estimation
- James P. Galasso, J. Martin Shipp, Robert F. Warren
- Session #102 D
- The Impact of Second–Hand Smoke
- Timothy F. Harris, Charlotte A. Lee, Jess L. Mast
- Session #104 CS (Record Not Available)
- Polishing Your Crystal Ball–Setting Pension Assumptions
- Caren Levitt Bianco, Bruce Anthony Cadenhead
- Session #111 SM (Record Not Available)
- Risky Business: The Collision of Genetics and the Life Insurance Industry
- Richard L. Bergstrom, Martin L. Engman
- Session #114 PD
- Social Security and Medicare–What Does the Future Hold?
- A. Haeworth Robertson, Bruce D. Schobel
- Session #117 PD
- Dental Managed Care Programs
- Timothy F. Harris, Donald S. Mayes, Leigh M. Wachenheim
- Session #118 PD
- Strategic Response to Medical Inflationary Factors
- Janet M. Carstens, Kevin Dolsky, Scott E. Guillemette
- Session #119 PD
- An Update on Medical Savings Accounts
- John K. Heins, Robert A. Kelly, Mark E. Litow, Stacey Muller
- Session #120 OF
- Education and Examination Redesign
- Jeffrey G. Allen, Robert L. Brown
- Session #121 OF
- Trends in Agent Compensation
- David M. Brown, Douglas W. Brooks, Thomas C. Guay
- Session #123 TS
- Health Provider Excess Stop-Loss Issues
- Michelle Fallahi, Steven N. Wander
- Session #125 CS
- Information Resources–The Pension Actuary's Safety Net
- Judy Feldman Anderson, Richard G. Schreitmueller
- *Catastrophic Claims Health Database
- Thomas P. Edwalds, Kyle L. Grazier, Anthony J. Houghton
- *Codification of Accounting Policies for Health Organizations
- John Jex, Robert Wilcox
- *Continuous Time Models of the Reporting and Cost Process of Insurance Claims
- Giuseppe Russo
- *Credibility Concepts for Health Insurance
- Charles S. Fuhrer
- *Ethics and Professionalism for the Pension Practitioner
- Ronald Gebhardtsbauer, Donald J. Segal
- *Fulfilling the Role of the Health Valuation Actuary
- Gerald Byers, Richard J. Nelson, John C. Shank
- *Health Care in Latin America–Where Is It Going?
- Jorge Lopez Airaghi, Charles T. Bell, Lawrence S. Brewster, Pedro Pacheco, David Reichlinger, Fernando J. Troncoso
- *Health Practice Advancement Committee/Health Section Council Update
- P. Anthony Hammond, James J. Murphy
- *Managed Pharmacy Benefits
- Leigh Anne Leas, Arthur L. Wilmes
- *Measuring Managed Care Effectiveness
- Jeffrey Allen, James J. Murphy, Susan E. Pantely, Anna M. Rappaport, Jill S. Shield, Christine M. Tozzi
- *New Directions in Actuarial Programming
- Peter Donnelly, L. Wade MacQuarrie, Cary S. Meltzer, Zig Swistunowicz
- *Pension Benefit Distribution Strategies
- James A. Kenney, Paul T. Richmond
- *Pension Design Trends–Larger Plans
- Martin J. Collins, John W. Ehrhardt
- *Retirement Security Issues Affecting Women
- Cindy Hounsell, Martha Priddy Patterson
- *Securitizing Insurance Risks: The Emerging Market for Liability- Backed Securities
- David Colarossi
- *Stakeholders' Perspectives on Managed Care Effectiveness
- Jeffrey J. Nohl, Anna M. Rappaport, Jill S. Schield, Bradley J. Scott, Christine M. Tozzi
- *Status Report on Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperatives: Where Are They Now?
- John F. Fritz, Catherine Kunkle, Kevin Haugh, Debra Sue Medlin
- *The Alphabet Soup of Managed–Care Organizations
- Thomas Snook
- *Underwriting and Pricing Preferred Risks–How Many Classes Can We Create and Will They Be Profitable?
- James D. Atkins, Timothy K. Traynor, Timothy F. Twiss, Larry Worthey
- *Valuation of Health Plans
- John C. Lloyd, Richard Spiro, Ronald M. Wolf
*The following sessions from the Palm Desert Meeting, May 21–23, 1997 will not be available on the Society's web site and will not be available for release to the public. Record sessions must meet certain standards before they can be released to the membership. The recorded version of these sessions failed to meet these standards for a variety of reasons.