Record of the Society of Actuaries, Volume 26, No. 1
Las Vegas Spring Meeting May 22–24, 2000
This issue of the Record was edited by
Richard D. Cruise (Chairperson), Rowen Bell, Raymond Berry, Steve Ellner, Gretchen Flatto,David Jarrett, Karen Krist, Steve Lemanske, Dennis Monaghan (Lead Editor),Craig Morrow, John Popiolek, and Carl Westman
If you would like to order a cassette tape of a specific session, please contact Aven Tapes. Aven records all of the sessions that are in the Record.
All sessions that have been transcribed contain a link posted below. If a title does not have a link, no transcript is available. However, the session may be available on tape. Please contact Aven tapes for availability and ordering information at
If you have any questions regarding this and future releases from the Record, contact Glenda Maki, associate editor.
- Session #3 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Merger and Acquisitions Part 1–The Hunt
- Colin England, Nell Hennessy
- Session #4 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Risk Management for Pension Plans
- Bryan Edward Boudreau, Jorge Mina, Antonio L. Tan–Torres
- Session #5 PD (Record Not Available)
- * New Marketing Methods for Disability Insurance
- Leigh Canfeild, Harold Cochran, Thomas K. Penn–David, Sue Rynearson, Daniel D. Skwire
- Session #6 PD
- The Actuary of the Future Proposed "Ambassador" Program
- Paul V. Bruce, Kristine M. Henderson, William R. Horbatt, Teresa Russ Winer
- Session 7 PD
- Opportunities in Continuing Care Retirement Communities
- Gary L. Brace, Bill Yost
- Session #8 PD
- Fuzzy Logic
- Richard A. Derrig, Timothy P. Swankey, Fred A. Watkins
- Session #9 PD
- The Art of the Expert Witness
- Michael A Conefry, Colin E. Southcote–Want
- Session #10 PD
- Medicare Supplement Update
- Jay P. Boekhoff, Thomas H. Lindquist, Clifford K. Powell, Diana S. Wright
- Session #11 PD
- Payroll Deduction Supplemental Health Products
- Darrel D. Spell
- Session #12 OF
- Politics and Health Care
- Raymond D. Berry
- Session #13 TS
- How to Converse in Reinsurance
- Donna R. Jarvis, Allen M. Klein, Jean–Francois Poulin, John E. Tiller, Jr.
- Session #23 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Many Hands Make Light Profits (Or Big Losses)?
- Susan Benson, Le Roy H. Christenson, Linda Cochran, Eugene T. Wilkinson
- Session #25 PD
- Recent Advances in Underwriting Individual Disability Insurance
- Pete Bell, Richard Bergstrom, Hank George, James B. Kern
- Session #27 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Cash Balance Technical Issues
- Bruce Anthony Cadenhead, David Pratt, David Rivera, James E. Turpin
- Sessions #28 PD
- Dental Products–Do the Discounts Add Up?
- William T. Billard, Michael A. Fradkin, Floyd R. Martin
- Session #29 IF
- ASOP Standards, Not Aesop’s Fables
- Heidi R. Dexter, Susan E. Hedrick, Lindsey J. Malkiewich
- Session #30 IF (Record Not Available)
- * Managed Health Care: 2010
- Eileen Raney, John M. Stenson, Robert G. Utter
- Session #31 OF
- The Quality Compass Model–Balancing Employer/Consumer Concerns
- David V. Axene, Gerald G. Smedinghoff, Kathy A Zaharias, Christopher S. Girod
- Session #33 TS (Record Not Available)
- * Learning to Listen
- Kathy Carrier, Lisa F. Tourville
- Session #34 TS (Record Not Available)
- * Mergers and Acquisitions for Health Actuaries
- Scott E. Guillemette, Darrell Knapp, Cynthia S. Miller, Maureen A. Spivack
- Session #38 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Commercial and HMO Experience in the Individual and Small–Group Market
- James E. Carter, Robert Karl Prochnow
- Session #39 PD
- Outsourcing Long–Term–Care Administration
- Donald M. Charsky, Goldstein, Ron Hagen, Dawn E. Helwig, Gary Jacobs
- Session #40 PD (Record Not Available)
- Alternative Medicine or an Alternative to Medicine
- Kevin Buron,Jonathan Mark Hendrickson, Konrad Kail, Thomas D. Snook
- Session #41 IF
- Future Direction of the Profession: Big Tent
- A. Norman Crowder III
- Session #43 IF
- Corporate Downsizing Yourself Marketable
- Michael M. Braunstein, Kyle P. Brua, Stuart D. Rachlin
- Session #44 L
- Computer Models for Retirement Policy
- Joseph M. Anderson, Christopher M. Bone
- Session #45 OF
- Marketing of the Profession
- Paul V. Bruce, Susan Nassar, Teresa Russ Winer
- Session #46 OF
- Medicare Retiree Benefit Plans
- John Bagley, Dale Yamamoto
- Session #47 TS
- Tools to Help Senior Management "Manage" Risk
- Bradley Neal Buechler, Thomas C. Kravis, Antonio L. Tan–Torres
- Session #54 SM
- Health Care and the Elections
- Bernard Rabinowitz, Thomas F. Wildsmith
- Session #59 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Mergers and Acquisitions Part 2–The Catch
- Colin England, Nell Hennessy
- Session #61 PD
- Access to Health Coverage
- Gerald G. Smedinghoff
- Chart
- Session #62 PD
- Provider Excess: Is it Rosy or Merely Thorny?
- Carol B. Adams, Tasha Barbour, Jack Reid, Brian Dale Shively, Mark Richard Troutman
- Session #63 PD
- Medicare + Choice Capitated Plans Update
- Suzanne Daly, Marvin S. Segal, Lynette L. Trygstad
- Session #65 IF
- Little vs. Big Tent–Newtonian vs. Quantum Thinking
- Dorn H. Swerdlin
- Session #66 IF
- New Frontiers in Medical Management
- John P. Cookson
- Session #67 OF
- Economics and Demographic Trends in Disability Insurance
- Richard Carlson Leavitt, Michael G. Temple
- Session #68 TS
- Reinsurance Strategies for Long–Term Care
- Timothy Edwin Hale, Michael Kleinman, Mark D. Newton, Jean Francois Poulin
- Session #73 PD (Record Not Available)
- * It’s a Steal!
- Rodney Royce Brown, William R. Horbatt, Martin H. Ruby
- Session #74 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Cash–Balance Employee Communications
- Judy F. Anderson, Bruce C. Gaffney, Cyndi Gibson
- Session #75 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Mortality Projection–To Do or Not to Do?
- Joseph A. Applebaum, Thomas P. Edwalds, Diane M. Storm
- Session #76 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Implementing Disease Management
- Jodie L. Hansen, Thomas C. Kravis
- Session #77 PD
- Medicare Reimbursement Methodologies and Cost Trends
- Peter M. Frank, Kevin Kenny, Gregory J. Savord, Anthony J. Wittmann
- Session #78 IF
- How to Avoid Common Pitfalls of Health Plan Mergers
- Linda Bronstein, Pennel W. Hamilton, Barbara McNara, Alice Rosenblatt
- Session #79 IF (Record Not Available)
- * Being A Good Advisor: The Professional Development Requirement
- Kara L. Clark, Donald J. Segal, Kevin J. Shand
- Session #81 TS
- Valuing Long–Term–Care Insurance for Acquisition
- Michael S. Abroe, Michael Porcelli, Michelle A. Thomson
- Session #86 SM (Record Not Available)
- * LTC Section Luncheon–Speaker Only
- James M. Glickman, Paul E. Hankwitz
- Session #88 PD
- Long–Term–Care Combination Products
- Loida Rodis Abraham, Phillip Clarkson, Alan R. Furan, Cary O. Lakenbach, Michael H. Sause, Allen J. Schmitz
- Session #90 PD
- Innovative Benefit Designs–What We Can Learn from Around the World and at Home
- Charles E. Chittenden, Stanley A. Dash, Jr., Laura Ellen Samaroo Charts
- Charts
- Session #91 IF
- Prescription Drug Update
- Lisa Behnke, Carol J. McCall, Jeff Sanders
- Session #92 OF (Record Not Available)
- * Limited Benefit Policies–What Lies Ahead?
- Alex Bagby, Tom Foley, Gary Reed
- Session #93 TS
- The Wizard of Odds!
- Michael W. Shackleford
- Session #94 TS (Record Not Available)
- * Medicaid Risk Contracting
- Micahel B. Fox, John D. Meerschaert
- Session #107 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Late–Breaking Developments and Rulings
- Abbey L. Keppler, Ethan E. Kra, Donald J. Segal
- Session #108 IF
- The Changing Roles of Federal and State Governments in Regulating Health Care
- Fritz Bush, Rob Dhiemler, David Dixon, Russ Edwards, John Hines Bert Jay, Valerie Lent, Tom Liebowitz Joe Rolling, Steele Stewart, Tom Warrick, Carl Wright, Diana Wright, Tom Wylesmith, Mark Wyneblyth
- Session #109 IF
- Long–Term–Care Rate Stability Issues
- Van Ellet, Thomas C. Foley, Bartley L. Munson, William C. Weller
- Session #110 IF
- Industry Consolidation–Impact on Health Products
- Craig Baldwin, Rick Hodgdon, Mark E. Litow, Harry L. Sutton, Jr.
- Session #112 OF
- Medicare Reform: A Presentation by the AAA’s Medicare Reform Task Force
- John Bertko, Jay C. Ripps, Bruce D. Schobel
- Session #113 OF (Record Not Available)
- * Report from Research: Using the Latest Research in Health and Pensions
- Thomas P. Edwalds, John A. (Jack) Luff
- Session #114 TS (Record Not Available)
- * Effective Negotiation
- M. Jean Berns, Edward B. Martin
- Session #119 PD
- Critical Illness Insurance: A New Product Gaining Momentum
- Johan L. Lotter, Michael L. Rasmussen, Willard C. Rinehimer, Jr.
- Session #120 PD
- Provider Contracting Issues
- Geoffrey B. Baker, Brent Lee Greenwood, Michael J. Kalison, Joseph N. Romano
- Session #121 PD (Record Not Available)
- * Creating Pension Plans from Nothing in Emerging Countries
- Joshua David Bank, Bruce Anthony Cadenhead, Ronald Gebhardtsbauer, Lena Serge Zezulin
- Session #124 TS
- Contract and Deficiency Reserves for Health Business
- Darin W. Dalton, James P. Galasso, Timothy F. Harris
- Session #125 PD
- Risk Adjustment Implementation Issues
- John M. Bertko, Mel Ingber, Craig N. Schmid
* The following sessions from the Las Vegas Spring Meeting , May 22–24, 2000 will not be available on the Society’s Web site and will not be available for release to the public. Record sessions must meet certain standards before they can be released to the membership. The recorded version of these sessions failed to meet these standards for a variety of reasons.