Record, Volume 26, No. 2 San Diego Spring Meeting June 22–23 2000
This issue of the Record was edited by Richard D. Cruise (Chairperson), John Blocher, Elizabeth Branaum, Alan Finkelstein, James Hawke, Mark Kinzer, Chuck Ritzke (Lead Editor), Randy Rotschafer, Susan Silverman, and Howard Simon
This volume of the Record contains top sessions based on attendance and sessions approved and/or selected by the various sections of the SOA to be available on the Web.
All sessions that have been transcribed contain a link posted below. If a title does not have a link, no transcript is available. However, the session may be available on tape. Please contact Aven tapes for availability and ordering information at
If you have any questions regarding this and future releases from the Record, contact Glenda Maki, associate editor.
- Session #3 PD
- Actuarial Education and Certification Around the World
- Curtis E. Huntington, Angelica B. Michail, Hubert B. Mueller, John O. Nigh
- Session #4 PD
- Impact of Demutualization on Actuarial Careers
- Douglas W. Brooks, Michael P. Harwood, John W. Morris, Robert P. Vrolyk
- Session #5 PD
- Modified Endowment Contract Correction Procedure: To Remedial or Not to Remediate
- David C. Miller, Irene Price, Jeffrey M. Robinson
- Session #6 PD
- Statutory ReportingCurrent National Association of Insurance Commissioners Developments
- Donna R. Claire, John A. Hartnedy, Stephen K. Neill, Sheldon D. Summers
- Session #7 PD
- Reinsurance Treaty Issues
- Johanna B. Becker, Bruce J. Bohlman, Monte J. Lightner, Denis W. Loring, Connie Walker
- Session #8 PD
- E–Commerce Series: Marketing on the Internet
- Michael L. Fix, Kristina Meyer, Larry N. Stern
- Session #9 PD
- * Measuring Returns on a Risk–Adjusted Basis
- Jean Peirre Berliet, Timothy W. Clark, Douglas M. Hodes, Howard G. Kurpit
- Session #10 PD
- * Offshore Products
- John M. Fenton, Gerald J. Hayes, Ian C. Pearson, Mark S. Reilly
- Session #11 PD
- An Introduction to Credit Derivatives
- Dajing Guo, Sunit R. Patel, Raghu Ramachandran
- Session #13 IF
- Professional StandardsWhat Is Your Awareness Level?
- Lauren M. Bloom, Allan W. Ryan
- Session #14 TS
- Tools to Help Senior Management "Manage" Risk
- Kenneth P. Mungan, Max J. Rudolph, Francis P. Sabatini
- Session #20 PD
- * Portfolio Management Under FASB 133
- Brian C. Campbell, John Pintozzi, Raghu Ramachandran
- Session #21 PD
- * International Accounting Standards Update: Life Insurance and Reinsurance
- Frank J. Buck, Morris W. Chambers, Francis A.M. Ruygt
- Session #22 PD
- The Future of Agency Distribution
- Dennis A. Catanzano, Paul D. Laporte, Jon B. Louis
- Session #23 PD
- Risk Management Behind Variable Annuities
- Lance R. Berthiaume, George E. Christopher, Ari Joseph Linder
- Session #24 PD
- * Quantifying Asset Prepayment Risk
- Mike Bykhovsky, Erin Dandrige Cole, Andrew S. Davidson
- Session #25 PD
- Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesCurrent Issues
- Gary Falde, William J. Kane, Lisa Femina Markus, Roger W. Smith
- Session #26 PD
- Hot Technologies
- Mark D. J. Evans, Fred A. Watkins, Jacek Zurada
- Session #27 PD
- * E–Commerce Series: Marketing Channel Synergy and Conflict
- W. Howell Pugh, Kenneth Sapp, Becky Williams
- Session #28 PD
- * Securitization of Life Insurance Risk
- John Kiernan, H. Michael Shumrak, Robert O. Young
- Session #29 PD
- * Efficient Valuation Processes
- Thomas Patrick Burke, Michael A. Hughes, Tom Lane
- Session #30 IF
- * Future Direction of the Profession: Big Tent
- A. Norman Crowder III
- Session #31 TS
- Underwriting Concepts for Actuaries: The Primer
- Richard L., Bergstrom, Jeffrey S. Marks
- Session #32 OF
- Enhancing Actuarial Input as the Federal Level of Life Insurance Issues
- John Gallo, Deborah. Schmidt, Maureen C. Zupan
- Session #38 PD
- Financial Modeling Integration
- Josephine Elizabeth Marks, Craig Merrill, R
- Session #39 PD
- * Economic Value Added and Customer Value
- Arnold A. Dicke, Ronald Gebhardtsbauer, Damien McAndrews, Robert E. Wilcox, Tom Wilder, S. Roy Woodall, Jr.
- Session #40 PD
- * La Dolce Vita! Current Developments in the Southern European Marketplace
- Daryl L. Boltz, Paolo Capaccioni, Daniel A. DeKeizer, William R. Horbatt
- Session #41 PD
- * The Risk–based Capital C–3 Project
- Nancy E. Bennett, Debra Miller Ekberg, Larry M. Gorski
- Session #42 PD
- X(XX) Marks the Spot!t
- Keith A. Dall, Mary A. Didion, Christopher S. Shanahan
- Session #43 PD
- E–commerce Series: Underwriting on the Internet
- John Gallo, Deborah. Schmidt, Maureen C. Zupan
- Session #44 IF
- Being a Good Advisor: The Professional Development Requirement
- Nancy A. Behrens, Marta L. Holmberg, Max J. Rudolph
- Session #45 TS
- Marketing Yourself Within Your Own Organization
- Michael M. Braunstein, Rex Eno
- Session #60 PD
- * Pain, But What Gain? State Variation Under Codification
- Norris W. Clark, Alan E. Close, Staton L. Cole, David A. Nachman
- Session #61 PD
- * E–Commerce Series: Internet Communication Cost/Benefit
- Anna England, Dale H. Hazlett, Chris Heidrick, Edward F. McKernan
- Session #62 PD
- ZZZ and ZZZZ Update
- Alan R. Downey, Martin E. Goldman, James P. Greaton, Brian Kavanaugh
- Session #64 PD
- Liquidity Management for Life Insurers with Institutional Business
- Laura Bazer, Larry M. Gorski, Zahid Hussain, Victor Modugno
- Session #65 PD
- Who's on First?
- Douglas A. Ingle, Allen M. Klein, William J. McDonald, Thomas E. Rhodes
- Session #66 IF
- * Distribution Alternatives
- David M. Brown, Ken A. McCullum, Ronald J. Harris
- Session #67 OF
- * Report from Research: Using the Latest Research in Life and Finance
- Thomas P. Edwalds, John A. (Jack) Luff
- Session #68 TS
- * Practical Valuation of Complex Financial Instruments
- Steven Lane Craighead, Marshall C. Greenbaum
- Session #69 TS
- Using Futurism Techniques in Planning
- Albert E. Easton, Timothy J. Tongson
- Session #70 TS
- Appropriate/Inappropriate Communications: "What Did I Say?"
- Beverly B. Alter, Michael M. Braunstein
- Session #78 PD
- E–Commerce Series: Risk Management for the Internet
- Jay M. Jaffe, Steven Tippins, David Wesley
- Session #79 PD
- Last Link in Product DevelopmentState Form Filing
- Karen J. Allen, David J. Hippen, Sandra K. Meltzer
- Session #80 PD
- Marketing of the Profession
- Teresa Russ Winer, David G.W. Bragg, Anna M. Rappaport, Paul Thornton
- Session #81 PD
- Stochastic Immunization
- Charts 1–4
- Charts 5–8
- Steven Lane Craighead, Josephine Elizabeth Marks, Scott E. Navin
- Session #82 PD
- Offshore Reinsurance
- Robert DeMarco, Michael E. Gabon, Hugh T. McCormick, Gordon Rowell
- Session #83 PD
- Product Development from a Small Company Perspective
- Janice A. Duff, Kenton L. Scheiwe, David N. Wylde
- Session #84 TS
- Fair Valuation of Insurance LiabilitiesImplications for Economic Performance Measurement and Strategic Decision Making
- Gregory B. Goulding, Joseph Koltisko, Marsha Wallace
- Session #92 PD
- Unified Valuation System Update
- Thomas Senior Berry, Jr.; Timothy E. Hill
- Session #93 PD
- * Variable Product Guaranteed Benefit Issues
- David G. W. Bragg, Anna M. Rappaport, Teresa Russ Winer
- Session #94 PD
- Credit Insurance and HR10, Financial Services Reform
- Hugh Alexander, Gary T. Fagg, T. Michael Presley
- Session #95 PD
- * Collateralized Loan Obligations/Collateralized Bond Obligation Structures
- Nancy E. Bennett, Mark Gold, Joseph Murphy, Jeff Herlyn
- Session #96 PD
- Separate Account Products in the U.S. and Canada: Comparing Their Design, Regulation,and Taxation
- John T. Adney, Christian J. DesRochers, Phillip Friedlan
- Session #98 TS
- * One Stop Products
- Boris Brizeli, Emile M. Elefteriadis
- Session #99 TS
- MunicipalGuarantees Investment Contracts
- Victor Modugno, David Rubin
* The following sessions from the San Diego Spring Meeting , June 2223, 2000 willnot be available on the Societys Web site and will not be available for release tothe public. Record sessions must meet certain standards before they can be releasedto the membership. The recorded version of these sessions failed to meet these standardsfor a variety of reasons.