During the pandemic there has been provider burn out, early retirement, hospital consolidation, and lack of staff in step down facilities. It is taking longer to get appointments.
Take a look at the impacts of this and how it can affect quality ratings in Medicare. You can also explore meeting quality incentives in Medicaid and the current requirements for these plans to say they have adequate networks. Will the provider shortage have an effect upon actuarial rate certifications? If so, how? Are there any forecasts for how long this shortage will last? What are the impacts to care giving to the Seniors and Medicaid beneficiaries as well as plan design changes?
Those who are intermediate level Medicaid and Medicare actuaries are encouraged to attend.
By attending this session, you will be able to:
• Have a good understanding of the current Medicare and Medicaid situation and its impacts
• Understand strategic ideas of how to keep quality of care and access to care available