Variable Annuity Guaranteed Living Benefits Utilization Study-2011 Experience

The Society of Actuaries and LIMRA have sponsored a Variable Annuity Guaranteed Living Benefit Utilization Study. This study is an annual update of earlier investigations, conducted since 2006.

The study examines the GLB utilization of over 3.4 million contracts that were either issued during or in force as of 2011. Nineteen insurance companies participated in this study. These nineteen companies made up 51 percent of all GLB sales in 2011 and 58 percent of assets at year end, and make for a solid representation of the business.

The SOA and LIMRA would like to thank the Project Oversight Group for their valuable contribution to this project.

  • Tim Cardinal, Chair
  • Rod Bubke
  • Gustafov Christensen
  • Jill Gifford
  • David Lautenschlager
  • Michael Lockerman
  • Joel Sklar
  • Michael Sparrow
  • Peter Sun
  • Steve Thiel
  • Stephen Turer


Variable Annuity Guaranteed Living Benefits Utilization Study-2011 Experience

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