Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Reinvestment Strategies for Life Insurance Products in a Changing Economic Environment

The Society of Actuaries Committee on Finance Research is pleased to make available a research report that addresses how to model different reinvestment strategies to determine those that maximize results in different economic conditions. The report was authored by Gabriella Piscopo.


Reinvesting Strategies for Life Insurance Products in a Changing Economic Environment

Thank You

The SOA would like to thank the following individuals for serving on the Project Oversight Group:

Steve Craighead, Chair
Alan Newsome
Alex Ngo
Dennis Radliff
Robert Reitano
Paul San Valentin
Steve Siegel, SOA Research Actuary
Barbara Scott, Sr. Research Administrator

The SOA also thanks Tom Herget for his assistance with managing this project.

Questions Or Comments?

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to