Announcement: SOA congratulates the new ASAs and CERAs for October 2024.

From 9/11 to COVID-19: The Unthinkables Call for Essays


Sam Gutterman, FSA, FCAS, CERA, MAAA, FCA, HonFIA

Max J. Rudolph, FSA, CFA, CERA, MAAA


Dealing with more known unknowns? More scary knowns? Or unknown unknowns? What is the next unthinkable? What future events should actuaries actively be modelling and keep us up at night?

The Catastrophe & Climate Strategic Research Program of the Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SOA) put forth a call for essays exploring these risks. The Program Steering Committee selected these essays submitted by Sam Gutterman and Max Rudolph to publish, and are awarding them each a prize of $500. The Catastrophe & Climate Strategic Research Program Steering Committee congratulates the authors and is happy to publish the winning essays on the SOA website.

Winning Essays

Mortality: Well-behaved, chaotic or unpredictable

From 9/11 to COVID-19 The Unthinkables

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