Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Benefit at Risk for Lifetime Pension Pools


Jean-Francois Begin, FSA, FCIA, PhD
Barbara Sanders, FSA, FCIA, MSc
Simon Fraser University


The SOA Research Institute’s Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program and Canadian Institute of Actuaries are pleased to make available two reports that look at Benefit at Risk (BaR) in lifetime pension pools. The first report introduces the concepts of BaR, creating measures for members to understand the benefit risk in these pools. The authors focus on the measures of budgeting and decision making. The second report focuses on the applications of BaR.


Benefit at Risk in Lifetime Pension Pools

Exploration of Lifetime Pension Pool Design Elements

Thank You

The SOA Research Institute’s Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program would like to thank the following individuals for their input throughout this project:

Gavin S. Benjamin, FSA, FCIA
David R. Cantor, ASA, EA, CFA, FRM
Jean-Pierre Canuel, FSA, FCIA
Douglas P. Chandler, FSA, FCIA
Stephen A. Eadie, FSA, FCIA
Richard K. Fullmer, CFA, MSc
Hrvoje Lakota, FSA, FCIA, CFA
Dany Pineault, FSA, FCIA
Barbara Scott, Senior Research Administrator
Steven C. Siegel, Senior Practice Research Actuary

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