Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Chairperson’s Corner

By Alex Lemieux

The Financial Reporter, February 2022


I am very excited to take over the role of chairperson of the Financial Reporting section. I want to thank Doug for his great leadership over the last year and I look forward to leading the section for the next 12 months. I also want to take the time to thank Mark Walker and Robert Winawer for their efforts on the council. Finally, I’d like to welcome Hui Shan, Chris Whitney, Joy Zhang, and Weiling Lao.

Research and Webcasts

Our section has been busy over the past few months receiving a number of exciting research proposals around term to permanent conversion mortality and COVID mortality. Further potential research is constantly being evaluated and we continue to try and ensure that the section provides high quality research to our members.

Our podcast series continues to be an exciting place to learn about emerging trends in financial reporting and I would encourage all members to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

We are currently working on our slate of 2022 webcast offerings. If you are interested in hosting a webcast and have a specific topic in mind, please reach out to the section as we start finalizing the webcast calendar for 2022.

Finally, the call for life meeting proposals will be coming out soon. Personally, I’ve often found the holidays to be the best time to think about new and emerging topics that would be relevant, and I hope we get some great financial reporting proposals for the meeting in August (TBD on whether it’ll be in person, but fingers crossed!)

Alex Lemieux, FSA, MAAA, is a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers and chairperson of the Financial Reporting Section. He can be reached at