Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.


Examination Services Frequently Asked Questions


For Computed-Based Testing Exams (CBT)Details and Registration information, please see

  1. Exam Delivery Methods:

    How are the exams administered?

    All non-CBT exams are administered as paper andpencil. Please see the exam home page for exam center addresses andRules and Regulations.

  2. Address Changes:

    How do I change my address for mailingpurposes?

    To change your address on our database, e-mailthe correct information to the Customer Service Center at customerservice@soa.organd please put "Address Change" in the subjectline of your e-mail. Include your full name, date of birth and/oryour previous address for positive identification. You may notifythe Customer ServiceCenter directly at 888.697.3900.

  3. Applications:

    When is the registration deadline?

    Your application(s) must be received on orbefore March 25 for the Spring session, andSeptember 24 for the Fall session. Applicationsfor all exams received after the deadline will not be accepted. Youwill be contacted by the SOA if your application is denied due to alate delivery. We encourage you to register online, by fax, or usean overnight delivery service. Applications are processed in theorder they are received. Once your registration is processed, youwill receive an e-mail notification which will serve as your Ticketof Admission. NO additional Ticket of Admission will be mailed ore-mailed for any exam.

  4. Calculators:

    What are the approved calculators and how can I obtainone?

    You may use the battery or solar powered TexasInstruments BA-35 model calculator, BA II Plus, BA II PlusProfessional Edition, TI-30Xa, or TI-30X II (IIS solar or IIBbattery), or TI-30X MultiView (XS Solar or XB Battery). You may usemore than one of the approved models during the examination. Uponentrance to the examination room, candidates must show thesupervisor that the memory has been cleared for all of thecalculators brought in. Calculator instructions are not allowed inthe exam room. For the BA II Plus and the BA II Plus ProfessionalEdition, clearing will reset the calculator to the factory defaultsettings. Candidates are responsible for resetting theircalculator. You can purchase calculators at any office supply storeor directly from: Texas Instruments at

    For the Enrolled Actuaries (EA) examinations,candidates may use any model that meets the specifications of theJoint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries as follows: "Candidatesfor the EA exams are permitted to use calculators which (1) haveself-contained power sources; (2) are noiseless; and (3) do nothave the capability to retain text."

  5. Candidate Numbers:

    I've misplaced my candidate number and want tocheck if I passed, what can I do? If you have lost or misplacedyour Acknowledgement Letter/Ticket of Admission indicating yourcandidate number, you can reprintit or contact the Customer Service Centerat 888.697.3900. Please confirm your full name, date of birth andclearly indicate which exam you are requesting the number for.

  6. Change of Center:

    How do I request a change of center?

    If you should require a change of center afterthe registration deadline date you must contact the Exam Departmentby phone at 847.706.3593 for approval or e-mail your request to Jeremy Webber including your fullname, birth date, brief explanation including requested exam centerand payment information. Center changes are contingent onavailability at the new location requested. There is anon-refundable fee of $60 due at the time of the approved request.Candidates are not allowed to walk in to take an exam at a centerwhere they have not registered.

  7. Exam Fees:

    How can I tell if my exam fees have beenpaid?

    Can I still take exams with a balance due on myaccount?

    Applications paid using a check takeapproximately two weeks to clear the bank, once they are received.At that time they are entered into our database. Credit cardpayments are charged on a first-come first-serve basis. Candidateswho register online using a credit card are processed immediately.Candidates who use a company check or corporate credit card to payfor their exams are encouraged to check with their employers to besure that a payment was sent on their behalf well ahead of thedeadline date.

    If there is a balance due on your account dueto insufficient funds or a declined charge transaction, an invoicewill be sent to you.

    A candidate taking exams in the Spring and Fallsession may take an exam while having an outstanding balance. Everyeffort should be made to clear up exam fees prior to the examdate.

    Candidates will not be allowed to register fora future exam until past due exam fees and administration fees fora cancellation are settled.

  8. Exam Locations

    Where can I find out the address of the examcenter?

    Do exam locations ever change prior to examday?

    For paper and pencil exams: The exact addressof your exam can be found on the exam home page. Exam locations canchange from the time they are confirmed up until exam day. Thecandidate is responsible for checking for any changes up until examday. No notices will be sent.

  9. Exam Times:

    What time do the exams start and how long arethey?

    For exact dates and times, please see the examhome page.

    To avoid scheduling conflicts, pleaseallow yourself enough time before and after the exam in the eventof a delay.

    Please note the following procedures for thetiming of the exams:

    Supervisors are asked to open the exam roomone-half hour before the scheduled start time to allow foradmission procedures.

    Once check-in is completed or at the scheduledstart time the supervisor should begin reading the examinstructions aloud.

    Exam times listed do not include check-in,reading of instructions, or the collection of materials at the endof the exam. Essay exams have a designated read-through time priorto the start of the actual timing of the exam.

    When all check-in procedures, verbalinstructions and read-through times (if applicable) are completed,the supervisor will "re-set" the exam clock to the scheduled starttime-the candidates will be instructed to begin work.

    Candidates will be given the full amount ofexam time according to the "re-set" clock to complete the exam.

  10. Grades:

    When can I expect to receive my examinationresults?

    Grades are released approximately six to eightweeks after the examination date for the Spring and Fall examsessions. On the day the grades are released, results are posted onthe SOA exam results Web page. You will need your candidate number toobtain this information.

    • Approximate dates for the release of results are:
    • Spring Exams: released in the month of July.
    • Fall Exams: released in January of the following year.

    To access your grade, please go to our visitour SOA Exam Results Web page. You can then select Online TranscriptAccess and type in your user name and password. Select the exam andclick on the Grade Slip. If you would like to view/print your fulltranscript, click on view transcript and print off the fulltranscript of all passed exams. Please contact the Customer Service Centerby phone 888.697.3900 or by e-mail if you have any additionalquestions.

    Final grade results for all examinations willbe released to the online transcript facility only. Grade slipswill not be mailed.

  11. Signature:

    I have sent in a faxed application. Do I need to send inan original signature?

    Signatures are valid if sent in by fax, online,or on an original application. There is no need to send in anadditional application.

  12. Special Arrangements for Candidates WithDisabilities:

    Whom should I contact?

    To request special accommodations for the SOAexams a candidate must submit a written request and medicaldocumentation by the registration deadline.

    Additional documentation may be requireddepending on the nature of the disability and the arrangementsrequested.

    For more information contact Jane Lesch.

  13. Acknowledgement Letter/Ticket of Admission:

    When can I expect Acknowledgement Letter/Ticket ofAdmission?

    Your Acknowledgement Letter/Ticket of Admissionwill be e-mailed to you automatically once your application hasbeen processed and it will include your candidate number and yourexam center number. No other Ticket of Admission will be e-mailedor mailed to you. The Acknowledgement Letter/Ticket of Admissionserves as your receipt.

    Applications are processed in the order theyare received. It may take a few weeks to enter your application dueto the volume of applications being received.

    If you receive an Acknowledgement Letter/Ticketof Admission that contains incorrect information, notify the Customer Service Centerat 888.697.3900.

    If you have not received or have misplaced yourAcknowledgement Letter/Ticket of Admission, you can reprintone. Or contact the Customer Service Center at customerservice@soa.orgfor assistance.

    E-mailed Acknowledgement Letters/Tickets ofAdmission should be printed and used for admittance into the exam,along with proper identification.

  14. Transcripts:

    How do I obtain an official transcript?

    You can now obtain your transcript online fromour SOA Web site. You will also find FAQ's specifically for theonline transcripts from the link given.

  15. Online Registration:

    Can everyone who wants to take an exam registeronline?

    Anyone with a credit card can use the onlineexam registration. However, candidates and members will need toregister by mail if:

    • they are not paying by credit card,
    • they are applying for the international discount
    • they are registering for an exam for which online registrationis not offered.

    How do I know if I have registered onlinesuccessfully?

    After you click the "Place My Order" button, anorder confirmation page should appear. If it does not appear yourorder has not been accepted. Please contact the Customer ServiceCenter at customerservice@soa.orgfor assistance.

    I'm having a technical problem with online registration,what do I do?

    If you're having technical problems you cancontact the Customer Service Center at

  16. Hand scoring

    What exactly is hand scoring?

    I believe there may have been an error in the scoring ofmy answer sheet for my paper/pencil, multiple-choice exam, how canI go about having it scored again?

    Hand scoring is a verification that the scansheet that was received was scored correctly. It is not averification of anything that was written in the exam bookletitself nor does this process transfer information from the exambook onto the scan sheet. It is solely a process of confirming thatthe multiple choice answer sheet was scored correctly.

    Applications for hand scoring must be receivedwithin 60 days after the exam results are released. Clickhere for information regarding the hand scoring process and tosend an application.

    Do not request handscoring services until you have checked your grade. If youshould have any other questions regarding this process, pleasecontact Candace Sheridan at