Expanding Horizons, Issue 29, June 2004
Table of Contents
- A Time of Change
- An Ex–Chair's Corner
- By S. David Promislow
- 39th Actuarial Research Conferences
- Anaheim and San Antonio 2004 Spring Meetings
- Chatting with the Chair
- By Mary Hardy, Education and Research Section Chair
- Future ARCs
- Job Postings
- University of Calgary, Department of Math & Statistics
- Minutes of E&R Section Council Meetings
- New York 2004 Annual Meeting–Summary of Planned E&R Sessions
- Response to Last Issue's 'Chatting with the Chair'
- By Brian Hearsey, Lebanon Valley College, February 2004
Education and Research Section Council
Virginia (Jenny) Young is Expanding Horizons editor.
Education and Research Section membership is $15.00. We encourage you to join! Simply send a note indicating code #05–50–0100 along with your $15.00 payment to the SOA at P.O. Box 95918, Chicago, Illinois, 60694. Payment may be made by check or credit card. The SOA accepts Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Please remember to include your card number, signature and expiration date.
Expressions of opinion stated herein are, unless expressly stated to the contrary, not necessarily the opinion or position of the Society of Actuaries, its Sections or Committees or the employers of the authors. The Society assumes no responsibility for statements made or the opinions expressed in the articles, criticisms and discussions contained in this publication.
The section would like to encourage articles and papers on education and research topics or subjects of interest to education and research actuaries. If you have an article or an idea for an article that you think might interest section members, please contact Virginia (Jenny) Young.
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