San Francisco Annual Meeting–October 17–20, 1999: Table of Contents
San Francisco Annual Meeting–October 17–20, 1999
This issue of the Record was edited by:Richard D. Cruise (Chairperson), Marilyn Brown, Edward Cowman (Lead Editor), Thomas Hruska, Steven Malerich, Dennis Monaghan, Robert Pryor, Howard Simon, and Carl Westman.
If you have any questions regarding future releases from the Record, contact Glenda Maki, associate editor.
- Session #3 PD
- *Data Standards: Bringing Good Things Through Life
- David N. Karo, Robert J. Marone, and Michelle D. Smith
- Session #4 PD
- Fair Value Reporting: Is There a "Fairer" Way?
- Luke N. Girard, S. Michael McLaughlin, James A. Robinson, and Deborah Whitmore
- Session #5 PD
- Physician-Owned Health Plans: Managing the Paradox
- Robert Dannenhoffer, Jon Harris-Shapiro, andStuart D. Rachlin
- Session #6 PD
- "Once More Unto the Breach": an Overview of the Disability Insurance Market
- Gordon G. Dinsmore, Jr., Charles H. Meintel, Howell M. Palmer III, and David E. Scarlett
- Session #7 PD
- Have FSA Will Travel
- Rebecca Cao, Michael J. Corey, Linda B. Emory, Yves Laneuville, and Bruce D. Moore
- Session #8 PD
- *Economic Value-Added Versus Value-Added for Life Companies
- Mark A. Milton and Andre Shih
- Session #9 PD
- Two Score and Ten Years of Provisions
- Mary Hardiman Adams, Robert S. Byrne Jr.,William David Smith, and Kenneth A. Steiner
- Session #10 PD
- What's it Worth to You? (Asset Valuation Methods)
- Daniel P. Cassidy, Richard Joss, and Michael M.C.Sze
- Session #11 IF
- *The Mentor/Mentee Relationship: The Year 2000and Beyond
- Michael M. Braunstein, Kara L. Clark, andWilliam C. Cutlip
- Session #12 PD
- A Retrospective on 50 Years of Advances in Theory and Practice of Finance
- James C. Hickman and Elias S. Shiu
- Session #13 I
- Nontraditional Marketing: The Next Fifty Years
- John C. Adiletti, Jay M. Jaffe, Walter H. RoderII, and Dan Snyder
- Session #14 L
- *Notable Actuarial Developments in the Last Fifty Years
- Steven Haberman and Thomas N. Herzog
- Session #15 L
- Extra! Extra! Executive Training for Actuaries:How to Get the Opportunities You Want
- Philip J. Lehpamer and Simcha A. Segal
- Session #16 OF
- Recent and Planned Changes to Risk-Based Capitalfor Health Insurance Products
- William J. Bugg, Jr., Burton D. Jay, Dennis P.Lauzon, Steven E. Lippai, Timothy L. Patria, and Robert K.W. Yee
- Session #17 TS
- *One Stop Products
- Boris Brizeli and Emile M. Elefteriadis
- Session #30 PD
- CEO Perspective: The Future of Financial Services
- Richard M. Kovacevich, Daniel J. McCarthy, Ian M. Rolland, and Thomas C. Sutton
- Session #31 PD
- Data Warehousing for Actuaries
- Kevin John Pledge, Neil Raden, and Charles E.Ritzke Chart
- Session #32 PD
- The Cost of Capital Everything an Actuary Needs to Know
- Michael V. Eckman and Francis de Regnaucourt
- Session #33 PD
- The Risk-Based Capital C-3 (Interest Rate) Project
- Robert A. Brown and Larry M. Gorski
- Session #34 PD
- Emerging Reinsurance Markets
- Michael E. Gabon, Bruce D. Moore, FroylanPuente, and Stephen A. Zonca
- Session #35 PD
- Equity-Linked Notes–What's New?
- Glen D. Keller, Josephine Elisabeth Marks, andMichael H. Siegel
- Session #36 PD
- The New European Union
- David Durbin, Duncan G.R. Ferguson, RobertGandjean, Peter H.M. Kuys, and Angelica B. Michail
- Session #38 PD
- Security Blanket for Life (and Health)
- Steven W. Easson, Brian L. Hirst, and MilanVukelic
- Session #39 PD
- Pension Plan Mortality
- Edwin C. Hustead and Ethan E. Kra
- Session #42 OF
- The Actuarial Profession and the Academic Community: The Case for Partnership
- Robert L. Brown, James C. Hickman, Frederick W. Kilbourne, and R. StephenRadcliffe
- Session #43 OF
- Successful Bancassurance Programs A Look Behind the Scenes
- Kevin Crowe, Bruce W. Ferris, Jack LaSalle, andJames B. Smith, Jr.
- Session #45 TS
- *Turning Around an Unprofitable GroupLong-Term-Disability Case
- Stephen R. Atkins and Daniel D. Skwire
- Session #49 SM/IF
- Reading the Tea Leaves: Are We in Hot Water?
- Albert E. Easton, Lawrence D. Miller, Robert D.Shapiro, and Robert G. Utter
- Session #57 PD
- *Codification of Statutory Accounting Rules
- William Carroll, James F. Reiskytl, and RaymondT. Schlude, Jr.
- Session #58 PD
- Guaranteed Separate Account Products: NAICReserving Proposals
- Robert A. Brown, Michael A. Cioffi, and Larry M.Gorski
- Session #59 PD
- Approaches to Underwriting Disability Insurance
- Carl G. Amick, Scott D. Haglund, and Anne G. Mitchell
- Session #60 PD
- Demographics and Longevity into the Next Century
- Charles G. Hertz, James C. Hickman, David M. Holland, and Shripad Tuljapurkar
- Session #61 PD
- *May the In-Force Be With You
- Stephen H. Frankel, Daniel J. McCarthy, andCraig A. Smith
- Session #62 PD
- Mortality: Do the Limbo?
- Jay D. Biehl, James B. Keller, and Steven A. Moorhead
- Session #63 PD
- Actuarial Expert Testimony
- Frederick W. Kilbourne, George W. McCauslan, and Murray A. Segal
- Session #64 D
- *Reopening the Great Debate: ERISA Plan Design
- Vincent Amoroso, Judy F. Anderson, Donald J. Segal, and James E. Turpin
- Session #65 OF
- R Rated: Risk in Capital Management
- Richard Kirk, David H. Lister, James D. Maughn,Michael J. OConnor, and John E. Wade
- Session #66 I
- *Actuarial History: Here, There, and Everywhere
- Thomas P. Bowles, Jr., John M. Bragg, Robert J. Myers, and David A. Rains
- Session #70 TS
- *Appraisals of Foreign Operations
- Michael L. Greer, Kenneth P. Mungan, Yiji S. Starr, and Dan Troy
- Session #71 TS
- *Monte Carlo Derivative Pricing
- David X. Li and Ken Seng Tan
- Session #75 PD
- Actuarial Software: Build or Buy
- Mark D. J. Evans, Jeffrey Jerome Krygiel, Susan M. Lee, and Stephen J. Strommen
- Session #76 PD
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles forNontraditional Products
- Bruce D. Bengston, Thomas A. Campbell, MichaelA. Hughes, Kay M. Minnich, and James T. Pearson
- Session #77 PD
- Mutual Companies: Extinct in Canada?
- Nicholas Bauer, Stephen J. Friedman, and MikeLombardi
- Session #78 PD
- State Health Care Reforms: The Good, the Bad,and the Preposterous
- James T. O'Connor, Julia T. Philips, and LeeD. Tooman, Jr.
- Session #79 PD
- The Asian FluIs Anyone Immune?
- Stijn Claessens, Edmund F. (Ted) Kelly, Frederick W. Kilbourne, and Stuart Hamilton Leckie Charts
- Session #80 PD
- *New Models in Credit Risk Management
- Christopher L. Finger, David X. Li, MarthaSellers, and Tom Wilde
- Session #81 PD
- *Transfer Pricing: Insurance Companies VersusBanks
- Nancy E. Bennett, Thomas M. Grondin, and FrancisP. Sabatini
- Session #82 PD
- Industry ConvergenceBank Participation
- Leslie James Cantlay, Barry Jacobson, MarlaBerman Lewitus, Mark S. Reilly, and Robert D. Shapiro
- Session #83 PD
- It's 11 O'Clock, Do You Know Where Your Data Is?
- John P. Carroll, Steven Andrew Finch, Alice B.Goldstein, Michael W. Pado, and Nathaniel B. Wallman
- Session #84 PD
- *Social Security-Then and Now
- Joseph A. Applebaum, Edward D. Berkowitz, AnnaM. Rappaport, and Bruce D. Schobel
- Session #85 D
- *Reopening the Great Debate: ERISA Funding
- Judy F. Anderson, Christopher M. Bone, RichardJoss, and Ethan E. Kra
- Session #87 I
- The Actuary as CEO
- Paul V. Bruce, Robert L. Collett, Donald M. Peterson, and Gabriel L. Shaheen
- Session #88 L
- Developing Customer Intimacy
- James M. Lattin and Carl E. Meier
- Session #90 TS
- Effective Interviewing "I Know in the FirstTwo Minutes . . . "
- Aimee Kaye and Lisa F. Tourville
- Session #96 PD
- *The Future of Mutual Life Insurance Companies
- John F. Bevaqua, E. Tom Hughes, Peter L.Hutchings, and Thomas G. Kabele
- Session #98 PD
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- Morris W. Chambers and Sam Gutterman
- Session #99 PD
- Purchase GAAP–Where Are We Heading?
- Douglas C. Kolsrud, James B. Milholland, DanielJ. Kunesh, and Martin E. Staehlin
- Session #100 PD
- Medical Underwriting: A Retrospective
- John Clark, Michael L. Kellen, Ken Krause, andJohn Krinik
- Session #101 PD
- *U.S. Social Security: To Be or Not To Be?
- Joseph A. Applebaum, Christopher David Daykin,and Ronald Gebhardtsbauer
- Session #102 PD
- Asset-Backed Securities
- Anatoly Burman, Mark S. Corbett, Ernie P. Friesen, and Peter D. Tilley
- Session #103 PD
- Give Me Some Credit! The Fifty-Year History of Credit Regulation
- William F. Burfeind, Robert J. Butler, BruceCamacho, and Gary T. Fagg
- Session #104 PD
- *Product Design Under Fire
- Roger E. Dunker, T. Scott Mackenzie, Joel M.Steinberg, and Larry N. Stern
- Session #105 PD
- *Variable Product Guarantees: Assessing the Risks
- Bruce E. Kearnan, Nancy M. Kenneally, Stephen J.OBrien, and Ann H. Wiedie
- Session #106 PD
- *The State of Long-Term-Disability Reinsurance
- Jeffrey E. Babino, Edward G. Bailey, Robert B.Fast, and Paul D. Hitchcox
- Session #107 PD
- Multiemployer Pension Plan Topics
- Paul Angelo, Douglas C. Borton, Daniel F. McGinn,and Barthus J. Prien
- Session #108 D
- *Reopening the Great Debate: ERISA Guarantees
- Judy F. Anderson, Phyllis C. Borzi, RichardDaskais, and Richard G. Schreitmueller
- Session #110 OF
- Senior Health Care Financing and Medicare
- William E. Finch, Martin E. Staehlin, andMargaret Wood Wear
- Session #111 OF
- Technology and the Delivery of Health Care
- David C. Epstein, Mark F. Olson, Alan H. Spiro,and Vic Turvey
- Session #115 TS
- Employee Retention: "Stay . . . Just aLittle Bit Longer," Keeping the Keepers
- Beverly B. Alter and Michael M. Braunstein
- Session #124 PD
- Jim Anderson's Predictions
- Albert E. Easton and Thomas N. Herzog
- Session #125 PD
- International Valuation Coming Soon to a Country Near You
- Sam Gutterman, Edward L. Robbins, Walter S.Rugland, Shirley Hwei-Chung Shao, and Martin E. Staehlin
- Session #126 PD
- The Actuary's Role in Risk Management
- Jean-Francois Lemay, Randall M. OConnor, Ikwhan Oh, and Max J. Rudolph
- Session #127 PD
- Variable Annuities and Segregated FundsGuaranteedBenefits Valuation Issues
- Craig Fowler, Stephen J. Preston, and JonathanL. Wooley
- Session #128 PD
- Long-Term Care Regulatory Developments
- Thomas C. Foley, Sam Morgante, and Darrell D. Spell
- Session #129 PD
- Current Reserving Issues for Disability Insurance
- Vincent A. DeMarco, Kenneth W. Faig, Jr., and Charles H. Meintel
- Session #130 PD
- Risks in Investment Accumulation Products: Recent Research
- Martin K. le Roux, Steven P. Miller, and PeterD. Tilley
- Session #131 PD
- Underwriting Strategies in the 21st Century
- Richard L. Bergstrom, Hank George, and Richard(Dick) Van Maanen
- Session #132 PD
- *Cash-Balance Plans
- Ronald Gebhardtsbauer, Gordon L. Gould, Thomas B. Lowman, and William Torrie
- Session #133 PD
- *Public Pension Plan Focus
- Thomas P. Bleakney, Drew Anthony James, andMarilyn Miller Oliver
- Session #135 D
- *Regulation of Life and Health Insurance, State,Federal or Both?
- Jay Angoff, Lawrence D. Cluff, John S. Conniff,William R. Horbatt, Gary E. Hughes, and William H. McCartney
- Session #136 IF
- Building Bridges With Alternative Marketing Methods
- Robert H. Dreyer, Norman E. Hill, James B. Smith, Jr. and Lori A. Truelove
- Session #137 I (Record Not Available)
- HMOs: The Role of the Actuary
- David R. Nelson, Julia T. Philips, Harry L. Sutton, Jr., and Karin M. Swenson-Moore
- Session #138 I
- *Life Insurance and the Internet: Where Do We Go From Here?
- M. Gordon Gaddy, G. Kevin Gough, Gregory M.Mateja, Steven L. Ostlund, and Sylvia Woo
* The following sessions from the SanFrancisco Annual Meeting, October 17–20, 1999will not be available on the Societys Web site and will not be available forrelease to the public. Record sessions must meet certain standards beforethey can be released to the membership. The recorded version of these sessionsfailed to meet these standards for a variety of reasons.