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Fifty States, Fifty Stories: A Decade of Health Care Reform Under the ACA

Table of Contents

Data Visualizations
News Release


The SOA released new research with actuarial insight and key learnings on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in recognition of the tenth anniversary of this legislation. The report looks at the different outcomes for the 50 states from the ACA, in terms of reduction of the uninsured rate, cost, and availability of health insurance coverage.The report identifies 11 key observations since the passage of the ACA.  The report’s data-driven observations focus on the uninsured rate, insurer competition in the health exchanges and premium rate levels.

The SOA analyzed publicly available data on the individual state marketplaces from 2013 to 2020, including inputs from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the U.S. Census Bureau and Milliman.



Fifty States, Fifty Stories: A Decade of Health Care Reform Under the ACA

Supplemental Materials

Technical Report

Technical Report Dataset

Data Visualizations

These interactive dashboards are visualizations of key metrics found in the report. They provide filtering, drill-down, and other interactive capabilities that allow you to focus on specific subsets of the data.

Fifty States, Fifty Stories: A Decade of Health Care Reform Under the ACA

ACA Exchange Participating Insurers and Average Individual Premium by State

Individual Market Profitability by State

Uninsured Population by State


News Release

The Society of Actuaries Marks a Decade of the Affordable Care Act with New Research

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