Thoughts from the Chair
By Erik Pronovost
TAXING TIMES, October 2022
The Taxation Section Council is very excited for the upcoming 2022 SOA ImpACT Conference in Orlando, Florida, October 23–26 or virtually, October 26–28. As always, the Taxation Section will continue to provide quality materials on how taxation impacts the role of actuaries. However, what I am the most excited about is the different in-person opportunities.
The last time the “annual meeting” was in person was three years ago when I started my first day as a council member. I embarked on an exciting adventure with a lot of changes in the tax world. In the years since, the section adapted to the new virtual environment—we provided great webcasts and virtual sessions, and transitioned our newsletter TAXING TIMES from a printed edition to a fully digital online edition. I want to personally thank all the volunteers who helped in providing quality content in these difficult times.
As much as we were able to adapt to going online, the in-person “touch” was missing. Hopefully, this will change in October. For the first time since I joined the council three years ago, I will be able to see my fellow council members as well as all the friends of the council in person. If you want to be involved with the Taxation Section, come join our planning session with dinner afterwards. We are a very fun group!
The upcoming annual meeting will be my last day not only as the section chair, but also as a council member. This was a great experience for me as I learned a ton on taxation, made many connections and friends, and got to develop my leadership skills through the different activities I participated in. It was an adventure that I will never forget.
I hope to see some of you in person at the different SOA activities!
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Erik Pronovost, FSA, CERA, is an actuary at RGA. He can be reached at