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2021 Reinsurance News Best Article

By Dirk Nieder

Reinsurance News, February 2022


The article “Insights Into Life Reinsurance and In-Force Management Current Trends” was designated the best article published in Reinsurance News in 2021. The article was submitted by Katie van Ryn, Nina Han and Christopher Halloran and it appeared in the December 2021 issue. It looks at how companies are evaluating their current reinsurance goals and managing their existing blocks of in-force business in a world impacted by, among others, a low interest rate environment, a non-trivial amount of modeling and data work triggered by LDTI or IFRS 17, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. Close runners-up were the articles "Next-generation AI-powered Digital Risk Assessment—Transforming customer Experience and Operational Efficiency” submitted by Lee Sarkin, and "What is (re)Insurable?” submitted Sam Gutterman.

The winning articles were voted on by three sitting members of the Reinsurance Section Council. A voting process always reflects personal preferences and tastes. Hence, this may be a great opportunity to check if your view concurs with the jury!

Why identify the outstanding articles? To recognize the tremendous effort of our volunteer authors, without whom it would be impossible to publish the information-packed newsletters.

Please feel free to contact one of the editors of Reinsurance News if you are interested in submitting an article for 2022. We are always looking for interesting articles on a range of reinsurance related topics, and who knows? You might become one of our prizewinners!

Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the newsletter editors, or the respective authors’ employers.

Dirk Nieder, FSA, MBA, is a regional director with Gen Re. He can be contacted at